W(h)ine Free Zone

I’ve been ill, proper lying-under-blankets-shivering ill, for four days. So no wine for me; just soup, tea and sympathy with a pholcodine chaser. Unable to share wine recommendations, I thought I’d share this instead. It is a TED talk by Brene Brown on the power of vulnerability. I watched it a few weeks ago, hot cup of tea in hand and loved it. The last slide is fab, summing up what I wish someone had told me ages ago. Enjoy, and I’ll be back on the sauce – all in the line of duty, of course – next week.


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  1. ADoC – thank you, feeling much better now. Might even have a glass of wine tonight!

  2. Get well soon darling.. I watched this after we met a few weeks ago.. and made mum watch it like you had.. inspirational xxx

    PS very exciting about your wine tasting on Twitter.. if I tweeted (or knew how) I'd be there xx

  3. BM – ha ha, thank you, should be fun/carnage x

  4. Where's the wine update? I am feeling like a fish on dry land… 🙂 x

  5. MM – will be posting later…it is like a desert round here…

  6. I have just found your blog through a friend's FB. I am sure my husband and I will enjoy your recommendations, always good to try something new. I found the above TED video truly amazing and has started me thinking….

    Thank you for sharing both this and bits about yourself.

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