The Weakest Link

You know I said doing Mastermind was the scariest thing I’ve ever done? I take it back. Turns out The Weakest Link is way more terrifying. So much so I forgot to listen to the first question. Still, it was such a fabulous experience and I loved meeting the other guests and of course brilliant …

On the case

With just a couple of weeks left until Christmas it’s time to stock up the wine racks and as ever I’ve got a couple of mixed cases for you, lovingly put together with the team from my beloved local independent wine shop The Solent Cellar. One’s a bit smarter than the other; both have been …

Knackered Update

Goodness me it’s been a while. I’ve missed you! And I’ve missed writing this blog but to be honest things have changed a little. When I first started I was working part time and had three small children. Now I work full time and have three (enormous) teenagers. In that time I’ve written seven books …

Celebrity Mastermind

I know, I can’t believe it either. But yes, I did Celebrity Mastermind and it airs on BBC1 this Saturday. My specialist subject is Jackie Collins (natch) and no spoilers but remember it’s all about the taking part! And despite it being one of the most terrifying things I’ve ever done it was also one …

Off Piste

Happy New Year to you! A bit late but I had a busy start to the year hanging out (literally) in my swimwear doing a wine tasting in a hot tub halfway up a Swiss mountain ON NATIONAL TELEVISION. I know, I can’t believe it either but if you missed it and want to see …

Drinks Party

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve done drinks with Luke Evans, WineTime with Kat (and a church full of brilliant women!) and sung carols with Cliff Richard. Honestly, I couldn’t feel more Christmassy if I rolled myself in glitter. However, I haven’t done anything to make me feel even remotely organised on the home …

Christmas Drinks

I get loads of messages every week asking for wine recommendations for various things – a birthday present, a special dinner, something for the fridge door – but at the moment all anyone wants to talk about is what to buy for Christmas. So this week’s wine recommendations are both around £10 and I’d happily …

Bargain Booze

I love a bargain, I really do. But if we’re talking wine there are a few things worth bearing in mind. For a start, whatever you pay for your bottle, £2.23 goes on tax. And that’s before VAT. Factor in the cost of making it, packaging it, shipping it and selling it and we’re talking …

Fifty Fifty

I’m back! And I’m 50! We celebrated with a (very) long lunch in the garden just a few weeks ago and honestly, my fifties feel like I’ve arrived at a party I’ve been wanting to go to for ages. Even the dress code feels more relaxed. Anyway, I’ve got lots to tell you so I’ll …

Pack a Punch

Looks like we’re in for another hot spell which means one thing. Well, apart from having to shave my legs (that’s about as beach body ready as I’ll get). No, I’m talking summer drinks and so this week I thought I’d share the punch & pitchers I did on This Morning recently given that some …

Jolly Super

Last Saturday saw the start of English Wine Week and to celebrate we shared a selection of some of my current favourites on Saturday Kitchen. Sadly the Sparkling we had from Terlingham in Kent has since sold out but I’ve popped another one of their wines (a rosé!) in this week’s recommendations below. Then on …

Real Life

It’s the Easter Holidays! Or as I like to call it, that time when I spend the mornings trying to get my teenagers out of bed, the afternoon driving them around and any time in between checking they haven’t discovered this year’s hiding place for the Easter eggs. Actually, I posted a picture of a …

Catch Up

It’s been a while. How are you? Yes, me too. Always tired. Could be my age, kids, work, hormones – take your pick. Anyway, it’s been a busy few weeks so I thought I’d share some highlights. First one, I’ve finished writing fiction book number three! Well, the first draft so there’s more work to …

Drying Out

First of all, happy new year! And just like that, it’s 2022. Now, as you know I don’t do Dry January for a number of reasons. 1) I like wine too much 2) I think an all or nothing approach is, well, unhealthy (although appreciate for some this isn’t an option) and 3) I like …

Close Knit

Well hello, proper autumnal weather. Regular readers will know how excited I am about this. Basically I was born to wear big jumpers, polo necks, chunky knits and cardigans. My collection of scarves is, frankly, getting a little out of hand. I love so much about this time of year, from the low sun to …

Bar Work

So they’re finally back at school (pumps fist) and I’m very much back to work after a few weeks off. Well, I say work. I was lucky enough to be invited to stay at the newly opened Pig Hotel in the South Downs and to say I was excited to be out is understating it …

Competition Time

Week *insert number* of the holidays (literally, no idea) and given the weather we’re currently breaking personal bests on screen time in this house. Last week also saw the launch of my new book In Just One Day (did I mention it?) along with a party to celebrate with friends and family, a photo shoot …

Most Wanted

Years ago, I went to a well known department store to buy a new camera. I didn’t know exactly what I wanted but knew what I needed, if you know what I mean. Nothing too complicated, good value for money, must look nice (I’m shallow like that). Anyway, I started reading the descriptions on the …

Cover Star

I have news! No, not pregnant. Don’t be ridiculous. It’s about my next book which, come to think of it, has felt a bit like my baby for the last year. Anyway it’s finally here, with a cover, and it’s called In Just One Day. Out on 5th August and available to pre-order now (only …

Baby Pink

Last Saturday was National Rosé Day but given the recent news on lockdown restrictions I’m thinking we just extend it. At least until the 19th July, anyway. So this week I’ve got a couple of rosé suggestions including one from Kent given that English Wine Week kicks off this Saturday. Here’s hoping the weather holds, …

Win Win(e)

And just like that half term is on the horizon. To be honest I’m not sure what month/week/day it is half the time anymore. I blame lockdown. And maybe hormones. Whatever, it’s been a busy few weeks and I’m looking forward to a bit of a break. I’m almost done on my second fiction book …

Tasting Notes

As you know, I spend a lot of time tasting wine. (Yes, I know. My job is ridiculous). But over the next few weeks I’ll be tasting more wines than usual. Around 300 a day, in fact. It’s the International Wine Challenge and as one of the judges I’m lucky enough to get to taste …

Sunny Delight

There are daffodils in the garden and we even had a brief spell of sunshine for about three minutes a few weeks ago so, obviously, it’s time to talk rosé. Even if you do have to wear a poncho in the garden when you drink it. Now, Bandol is a sub-region in Provence and the …

Lost for words

Well, I wasn’t expecting that. No, not the roadmap. I’m talking about what happened when my debut novel This Changes Everything was published just a few weeks ago. The response has been totally overwhelming in quite the best possible way. Thank you so much to everyone who’s read it/is reading/plans to read it and for …

It’s Here!

I have news! My new book, This Changes Everything, is being published a few days early so if you’ve pre-ordered an e-book it will ping onto your device TODAY! I know! As promised I’ve got some suggested wines to drink when you’re reading it and next Tuesday (9th February) I’ll be doing a live wine tasting …

Escape Plan

How are you? I know, me too. But the end of January is in sight and publication day for my debut novel This Changes Everything is just two weeks away! So, a little more about it. The story revolves around Julia, her two grown up daughters Annie and Jess and what happens when Julia receives …

Story Time

Time’s hardly flying by at the moment (seriously, a single home-school day feels like a week right now) but one thing that’s come around really quickly is *drum roll* publication day for my debut novel, This Changes Everything. Out on the 9th February, it’s available to pre-order here in paperback, e-book and audiobook (btw, if …

Happier New Year

It might feel like there’s little to celebrate right now but I wanted to post one last time this year for two reasons. The first is to say a big fat thank you for making The Knackered Mother’s Wine Club such a joy to write. I absolutely love reading your comments and emails and appreciate …

Guest Appearance

Feeling festive yet? I had my first cream sherry of the season last week whilst watching Sleepless in Seattle and we’ve had Jamie Cullum’s new Christmas album on repeat (he was a guest on Saturday Kitchen a few weeks ago, the album’s a cracker). Then there was the festive fizz tasting with the wonderful Kat Farmer …

Win a Getaway!

Good news might be thin on the ground at the moment but I’ve got something cheering to share. To celebrate the launch of This Changes Everything the – frankly – beautiful people at Lime Wood are offering one lucky winner a 24hr getaway for two along with dinner & breakfast at their heavenly hotel in …

Half Time

This might be an upside down, inside out kind of year but at least half term is providing something of a breather this week. Even the appalling weather seems to be telling us to stay home, watch films and not feel quite so guilty about screen time right now. Anyway, we might not be able …

More Than A Woman

One of the guests on Saturday Kitchen at the weekend was Caitlin Moran, talking about her new book More Than A Woman. I devoured it last week whilst mainlining tea and a Terry’s chocolate orange. And I laughed out loud. A lot. (Slightly hazardous after three kids but whatever). Basically, it’s a guide to growing …

Back to School

It’s been a long (almost) six months but finally – finally! – the children have gone back to school. And just like that the house is quiet. Messy, but quiet. Obviously I’m really happy they’ve gone back but it does feel very weird not having them in the house after all this time. A bit …

Full Stop

Last week I had a proper break. Sadly it didn’t involve a tropical island for obvious reasons but we did escape to Cornwall for a few days to stay in one of my favourite pubs on the planet. Called The Gurnard’s Head, it sits above a stunning stretch of Cornish coastline, all crashing waves, jagged …

Cleaning Up

A few weeks ago Cameron Diaz launched a ‘clean’ wine brand called Avaline. In this video she talks about how she was shocked to learn most wines are full of additives (they’re not) and not suitable for vegans (most are). My favourite bit (and honestly, I can’t stop watching it) is when she and co-founder …

Feeling Flush

I posted a picture of a wine over on my Instagram page yesterday, a gorgeous Melon de Bourgogne/Chardonnay blend I’d recommended to a friend. She’d asked for a slightly lighter alternative to her usual favourite (white Burgundy) because, well, menopause. Within minutes the comments starting coming in so I thought I’d do a proper post …

Full English

No, I’m not talking about breakfast (although wine at breakfast was an entirely acceptable notion during lockdown). It’s English Wine Week and I got to taste my way through a selection of brilliant wines (with Jack Whitehall!) on last weekend’s Saturday Kitchen. Details are on the programme’s website here and I’ve added a couple of …

Wakefield Wine Giveaway

If there’s one thing that’s got me through lockdown – apart from wine, obviously – it’s the idea of being able to see people again. But now that we’re actually allowed to see them – socially distanced, of course – I’m not sure I’m ready. I mean, proper conversations with completed sentences whilst wearing something …

Canned Laughter

If there was ever a time to find the joy in small things, it’s now. And I got to talk about a whole range of small things on This Morning earlier this week, namely drinks in cans including spritzers, properly smart wines and a Bloody Mary so good even Holly Willoughby liked it. She also …


Well here we are, half term apparently. Not that it feels very different to last week. The kids are still helping themselves to food from the fridge at all times, endlessly asking where their clothes are before they’ve even checked the washing basket/their bedroom floor. Anyway, thank goodness for blue skies even if we can’t …

Not Normal, People

It appears lockdown has changed me. First, there was the baking. So. Much. Banana. Bread. Then there was the Pilates. It used to be a once a week habit but I’ve been doing it almost every morning before home-schooling starts. Which is probably a good thing because a) all that banana bread and b) my …

Breakfast Wine

I’ve been drinking quite a bit in the mornings lately. For work obviously, most recently with Holly & Phil on This Morning. And one of my favourite wines in the line up was an organic red blend from Puglia that comes in what looks like a giant paint tin. It’s basically bag-in-box reimagined, holding three …

Telling Tales

Not entirely sure what day it is but with two out of three kids now back at (home) school, we’re back to some sort of routine. Namely, arguing about who’s hogging the kitchen table/using all the broadband/moved the charger. Such fun! Anyway, hoping you and yours are well and that you haven’t run out of …

Glass Half Full

So, things are bonkers but – thank goodness – we have wine. Supermarket shelves might be looking a little depleted in places but there are plenty of brilliant independent wine merchants still delivering (check out this list if you’re looking for one). Some are offering great deals including discounts for NHS staff and pledging to …

Virtual reality

I realise wine might not be on everyone’s list of ‘essentials’ but given we’re currently home schooling whilst working from home, it’s definitely on mine. I topped up with a few cases from our local independent wine shop earlier this week and if you’re thinking of doing the same, this list of wine shops still …

Top Up

First things first: sending love to you and yours. Uncertain times but one thing I can do here is provide free wine advice on tap. Not as good as providing actual free wine on tap. Still, I’ve doubled up on the wine recommendations this week. All are available for home delivery and one’s from one …

Listen Up

Firstly, an enormous thank you to anyone who bought a(nother) copy of The Knackered Mother’s Wine Guide. I didn’t think publication day would feel quite like it did second time around but it was a really joyful day full of messages, flowers and a few happy tears. And then it was half term. I seem …

Guide Book

It’s here! My new (old) book The Knackered Mother’s Wine Guide is out now in paperback! When I first wrote it eight – EIGHT! – years ago I wanted the book to be like a (funny) Highway Code for wine, covering all the stuff you really need to know when it comes to choosing a …

Saturday Job

Yup, still January. But there have been highlights: I got to hold a copy of my new (old) book, the updated Knackered Mother’s Wine Guide, in my hands for the first time. (There’s a cracking competition coming up to celebrate the book launching on the 6th February, more on that soon). And I did Saturday …

Damp Patch

I’m talking about January, obviously. And instead of going dry (oh come on, we’ve talked about this) I’m doing a dry-ish January. Damp, in other words. Obviously I’m cutting down on booze because, well, December. But I’m not cutting it out. Rather, I’m staying dry for most of the week and enjoying a glass of …

Christmas Drinks

I’m definitely feeling festive and that’s not just the trifle-flavoured cream liqueur talking. The tree is up, mince pies have been made (and eaten in front of The Holiday) and I’ve even managed to buy a few presents, albeit online and maybe a little wine-fluenced. Anyway, some of you have been asking for fizz recommendations …

Kitchen Roll

I spent pretty much all of Saturday in the kitchen. But unlike my own (messy, overrun with dogs/kids) this one was full of talented chefs and a celebrity guest. It was the Saturday Kitchen studio and I ate ridiculously good food for breakfast and talked wine with chefs Ollie Dabbous and Ellis Barrie, along with presenter …

Rebel Yelp

A few weeks ago I found myself in central London with half an hour to kill between meetings. Normally I’d grab a coffee and head to Liberty’s stationary department but on this particular occasion I decided to do something a little more adventurous. I got another ear piercing. OK, so it hardly rates as truly …

Roll with it

It’s been a week of highs and lows. Highs include making cocktails on live radio and watching a football game at Anfield – the atmosphere! – whilst enjoying a glass of red, obviously. And I love that it’s now cold enough for proper jumpers. Preferably roll necks, not least because they hide a multitude of …

Time Out

We’re into the second week of half term (the boys have two weeks off. TWO WEEKS! ) and we’re all still talking to each other. Maybe with the odd shout thrown in but mostly talking, thanks in part to a brilliant new book called How To Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids by Carla …

Especially for you

I did it! And I loved every single minute of my first Saturday Kitchen Live experience. OK so I wasn’t mad about the coral lipstick and the camera definitely adds at least 10lbs but I got to eat unbelievably good food and drink wine at 10am on a Saturday morning. With Jason Donovan! Makes a …

Hels’ Kitchen

Right, two things. Firstly, thank you SO much for all the lovely comments on last week’s blog post. I know there was an incentive (free wine!) but seriously, they were a real joy to read. And enormously appreciated. The other thing is *tries to sound casual, fails* I’m joining BBC1’s Saturday Kitchen as a drinks …

Sipping Point

Ten years ago to the day I decided to write a wine blog. I remember hitting publish on that first post, just a few sentences on how I planned to recommend a couple of wines each week in the hope it might help anyone looking for a little wine inspiration. With three kids under five …


Here’s a sobering thought: spend £5 on a bottle of wine and more than 60% of the cost is tax. That’s £2.23 on duty (gulp) plus another 20% on VAT. And whilst beer and spirits have enjoyed duty freezes in recent years, tax on wine has been rising for a decade (39% since since 2010 …

Cooking Lessons

As ever, I’m slightly late to the party but why didn’t anyone tell me about Samin Nosrat? My stepmother kindly bought me her book – Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat – for my birthday last year and it sat on the bookshelf for a while because, if I’m honest, I didn’t really get it. No pictures, …

Holiday Booking

Well, it’s been fun. Relative lie-ins, impromptu picnics on the beach, slightly too much pizza. Even losing half of our luggage on the flight back from our holiday didn’t dampen my spirits, not least because it halved the amount of post-holiday washing. But it hasn’t all been secs and rugs and sausage rolls (I know, …

Rosé All Day

Actually it was all morning, tasting a line up of rosé wines made by celebrities on This Morning. I had to really concentrate, not least because all I really wanted to ask was where presenter Rochelle Humes got her dress from (Ganni, I looked it up afterwards). But also because we had to speed-taste our …

Boiling Point

And so finally – finally! – my kids have broken up for the summer holidays. After what felt like weeks of end of term celebrations, we headed to the beach after their last day. The kids all jumped into the sea in their uniforms as parents watched on, mainlining crisps and a glass of rosé. …

Quiet Time

Last week I hosted a wine tasting with a group of wine-loving women organised by clothing brand Hush. Now, if there were such a thing as a spirit clothing brand, Hush would be mine. I remember when they sold nothing but thick socks and the softest loungewear long before any of us realised we’d be …

Chill Out

One of the best bits about being in a TV studio is you never know who you might see. I did a wine tasting on This Morning earlier this week and saw the back of Jason Donovan’s head and the woman from Tenko. And Phil & Holly of course (she really does smell like unicorns). …

Coming Up: Roses

So, sun’s out. And that means one thing. Well, two things. The first involves half a tube of St. Tropez Medium Dark Body Lotion. The second is rosé. Perfectly chilled, condensation on glass rosé. I mean, I know by the end of the summer I’ll be over it. But it’ll be temporary. Because when the …

Happy Daze

Endless cups of tea on the sofa, nailing the last series of Catastrophe I’ve been meaning to watch for ages…turns out recovering from knee surgery can be FUN. And as for the drugs…well. They have a lot to answer for. Not least the pair of sequinned leopard print espadrilles ordered at the weekend. I mean …

Feet Up

Remember I hurt my knee doing The Nutcracker at Christmas? (We take charades very seriously in this house). Turns out I’ve got to have surgery later this week so I’ll be sofa-bound for a couple of days post-op. For obvious reasons, I’m thrilled at the prospect of being forced to put my feet up for …

Star Quality

I spent much of last week tasting wine in a professional capacity and therefore, sadly, having to spit it out. But there was one particular event that didn’t require any spitting. In fact, I pretty much gawped open-mouthed throughout (thank god I wasn’t tasting wine; could’ve been messy). As you know – because I’ve gone …

Baby Steps

I do love a baby. Especially mine obviously, but they’re not babies anymore. And I’m not broody when I see one nowadays, just ridiculously tears-in-eyes happy. So much so I think I slightly freaked out the young mother in John Lewis last week, whose sleeping baby looked so beautiful tucked up in its pram I …

Yours Truly

Last week, I was on Radio 4’s You & Yours programme talking about organic wines. The presenter, Peter White (it was Winifred’s day off), asked me if KMWC readers (that’s you!) were interested in organic wines and I said yes, actually. Lots of you are. Which is great: no chemicals used in the vineyard is …

Eggs Factor

We’re nearly there. Last full week of the Easter Holidays (fist bump) culminating in a long chocolate-fuelled weekend (thumbs up). Now when it comes to finding the right wine to go with chocolate, sweet wines tend to work better than most. We’re talking tawny ports, Banyuls or Maury from France, or anything made from Muscat. …

Good Grief

Grief is a funny thing. As in peculiar rather than ha ha, obviously. Seventeen years ago my brother died. I remember, a few years after, googling the five stages of grief. I just wanted to know when it would stop hurting so much. But the thing is grief doesn’t ever really go away. It does, …

Come From Away

I’ve been working away from home this week. Of course I miss the kids blah blah but there are serious upsides. Take yesterday. After work, I met a friend for a drink and a bite to eat at one of my favourite London restaurants, Barrafina (the new/old one on Dean Street in Soho). One of …

In The Bag

Mother’s Day soon and to celebrate I’ve got some prizes I’m hoping might appeal to anyone who’s either knackered, a mother or both. First up, sleep. Sadly not a week’s uninterrupted sleep in a kingsize bed but I do have a box of Spacemasks (thank you, Harriet) and they’re basically the next best thing. Next, wine. …

Is it me?

A reader emailed recently asking for some low sulphur wines to try after being told by her GP that wine intolerance was common in middle-aged pre-menopausal women and a low/no added sulphur approach might help. I mean, a hot flush is one thing. But wine intolerance? Talk about adding insult to injury. Anyway, if you …

Blank Space

‘Just checking you’re ok…not seen you on social media for a bit?’ went the first message from a friend. ‘Are you away on hols?’ went another. Sadly I wasn’t sitting on my own private island with a cocktail in one hand, book in the other (would have posted that, obviously). But I did go dark for …

Jump Start

A few years ago I bought a jumpsuit. We were off to New York for a long weekend and clearly thought a jumpsuit would elevate me from knackered mother to potential extra in Gossip Girl in one outfit. Instead, I remember feeling like a giant toddler. Except with wine. And going to the loo was …

Lowe Point

I had lunch with Rob Lowe last week. OK, ‘had lunch with’ might be pushing it. I was in a restaurant and he was on the next door table. Still, close enough to see that he looked pretty much as he did in St Elmo’s Fire but with slightly better hair. And to think I …

Feel the Burn

OK, January. You’ve had your ‘fun’. Case in point: I went to a HIIT class at the gym today. Or SHIIT as I like to call it. Now I can hardly walk. And even though I haven’t managed a dry January (once was enough; this one’s had a few damp patches) it’s still been relatively …

Sparking Joy

Apparently, there’s a new series on Netflix about tidying up with expert de-clutterer Marie Kondo. Now, I haven’t seen it (too busy watching the entire series of Fleabag back to back, way more fun than folding clothes). But I do know Marie’s mantra is ‘does this spark joy?’ In other words if you own something …

Back On It

So, how was it for you? Aside from doing my knee in (again) whilst trying to act out The Nutcracker in a family game of charades on Christmas Eve, mine was great. But the kids went back to school yesterday (fist bump) and much as I’ve loved lying on the sofa sipping Brandy Alexanders whilst …

Christmas Spirits

Right, cocktails. Below are a few suitably festive favourites from Homemade Cocktails (my new book, just in case you’re here by accident/for the first time). But first, an idea for a last minute present. Homemade Cranberry & Orange Gin Get an empty 500ml bottle, fill it with 100g of fresh cranberries (prick them with a …

All wrapped up

Ah, Christmas. So much stuff to organise – food, presents, plans – and so little time to do it. Now, I can’t help you with the last minute mince pie requests or the sudden call for a star costume (for real, made one out of a wine box earlier this week in ten minutes flat) …

Party Time

You know that thing I mentioned last week but couldn’t tell you about? I’ve been asked to be one of the judges for the 2019 Fortnum & Mason Food & Drink Awards. I won the Online Drinks Writer Award in their inaugural year back in 2013 and, ohmigod, the party was one of the most celebrity-strewn …

Secret Diary

I have a terrible poker face. That whole ‘can’t tell what they’re thinking’ thing? Whatever it is, it’s usually written all over mine. In marker pen. So when I was told something exciting last week, and then told to keep it quiet until next week, my heart sank. I’m literally bursting to tell you but …

Stocking Up

So that’s it, then. The John Lewis Christmas ad has gone live which means, basically, it’s Christmas. Now, I’m not usually in favour of going too early when it comes to embracing the festive season. Our halls won’t be decked with holly until December 1st. But from that date onwards it’ll be mince pies for …

Sky News

Last week was a bit of a monster. Work (so to speak) included hosting a cocktail tasting at a local Singles Night, speaking at a literary festival lunch for book clubs and doing a wine tasting for a great/thirsty bunch in London. Play (so to speak) included a Halloween Party for 14 kids and a …

Skin Deep

I’m sure it won’t surprise you to know that I’m not doing Sober October because a) life’s too short and b) life’s too short. But I saw a friend of mine who is doing it recently and man, their skin looked good. Given that I want to have my cake/glass and eat/drink it, I realised …

Take a break

Half term next week. How did that happen? HOW? Summer finished, like, five minutes ago. I’ve only just got my properly chunky jumpers out (not a euphemism). But despite having to pretend there are no kids in the house when on a work call, it feels like a breather of sorts. No early morning clean …

Star Turn

Just as I was settling in to my new Autumn evening routine (sofa, Killing Eve, glass of red) an email arrived from a friend. Would I like to go with her to the premiere of A Star In Born? Cut to last Thursday and there we were, on the red carpet, with Bradley Cooper just …

Spaced Out

Earlier this week I celebrated a birthday with a round of French 75s, a hot bath and an eye mask. I know, hardly rock & roll. But I liked it. In fact, the eye mask ( a present from my sister) was so good, I have to tell you about them. Called Space Masks, they …

September Edit

Just as the change of season requires a change of clothing strategy (so long kaftans, hello jumpers AT LAST) so does the wine rack. I mean, it’s not like I won’t drink rosé in colder months but it just doesn’t taste as good without sun on skin. Anyway, a box of wine appeared on my …

Cocktails & Dreams

Much as I’ve loved drinking rosé in the sun, yelling ‘suncream!’ at the children every now and again, it’s really good to be back. With a jumper on. And I’ve got news. First up, my new book Homemade Cocktails is out TODAY! Written to help reboot at-home cocktail repertoires, it’s full of recipes for homemade …

Summer Daze

I’m not sure what day it is, the fridge is practically empty (despite having filled it with panic-bought food a few days ago) and the washing is out of control. And I have to be honest, I kinda like it. Now, I’m going to have a couple of weeks off but just to warn you …

Festival Drinks

We’re off to a festival this weekend. And it’s my favourite kind of festival because it’s local, meaning I get to soak up the atmosphere and still collapse into my own bed at the end of it. (It’s the Curious Arts Festival and you can find out more about it here). Anyway, this made me …

Rosé cheeks

I’m currently 60% rosé, 40% hot dogs and the school holidays haven’t even started yet. I blame the weather. And the football. Anyway, Eldest Boy breaks up on Friday, the other two at the end of next week. Then we’ve got six long weeks ahead and as usual I can’t wait/am dreading it in pretty …

Island Life

I thought I could take it or leave it. You know, dip in and out as and when it suited me. But before I knew it I was in too deep. And now it’s a full on obsession. Yes, I know it’s ridiculous but I just can’t help myself. And now, if you don’t mind …

Knees Up

I love a fancy dress party. So I went all out on Saturday at an 80’s themed party (the decade, not the age). I’m talking zebra print dress, black leggings, gold boots, candy pink leg warmers, arms covered in plastic bangles, lots of pink and blue eyeshadow and half a can of backcomb spray in …

No Frills

Last week I was going on about not caring what I looked like in a swimming costume. But then I went and ordered a new one after two glasses of rosé last Sunday night. When it arrived, I opened the box and put it on the table. I literally couldn’t take my eyes off it. …

Beach Club

Last night our book club met at the beach. It was a glorious evening – calm sea, colourful sunset, cold rosé. We swam before tucking into a picnic and a discussion about the book, once we’d remembered what the book was called in the first place (Stay With Me. Ironic, really). Anyway, running into the …

Fun Fair

Yesterday I spent the day at the London Wine Fair and was, basically, like a kid in a sweet shop. And a really greedy (thirsty?) one at that. It was at Olympia and the room was packed with winemakers and their wines. For years I went to the fair as a supermarket wine buyer and …

Check Mate

On Monday, the Husband and I celebrated 30 years since we first started going out. We were fifteen, the year was 1988. So in an effort to recreate that late ’80s feeling I booked two tickets to see Chess The Musical at the London Colosseum. Stay with me. We met at Kettner’s beforehand in their …

Sugar Rush

Earlier this week I popped up on ITV’s This Morning to talk about sugar in wine with the divine Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby. The good news is that in the grand scheme of things, wine isn’t too bad as far as sugar goes. Most are fermented dry with yeasts converting the natural sugars found …

Bank On It

At last, it looks like sun is on the way. And this time it might just stay for more than about 20 minutes. When we were promised some sun a few weeks ago I duly threw on the St Tropez and went the colour of an old mahogany sideboard (my preferred shade). Sadly, the tan …

Spitting Image

I was away working in London all last week and after two rain-sodden weeks of school holidays, it felt like something of a mini-break. Admittedly quite a weird one; I spent much of it spitting out wine. Not because they were horrible but because I was judging at a wine competition. One night I sat at …

Here comes the sun

I’ve spent much of this week trying to keep kids off screens despite the rain/without spending a small fortune doing so. Hitting deadlines has meant getting up early and working late. But no school run, eating pancakes at 11am and watching films on Netflix in the middle of the afternoon has more than made up …

Mini Break

The kids don’t break up until later but we’ve already broken out the Mini Eggs in this house. I bought them to put on top of my sister’s birthday cake (it’s tomorrow. She’s coming over from Belgium, where she lives, for the weekend. I’m SO excited). She’d better hurry because those eggs are like the …

Spring Clean

Spring is officially here. Not that you’d know it: I spent the day wearing two jumpers and a cardigan. But today the sky was blue and the chill in the air not quite as beastly as before. Now, I have no intentions of cleaning the house from top to bottom (three kids and three dogs …

Gin & Tonic

Last week, one lovely reader asked about gin. She’d walked into a bar, ordered a gin & tonic, was asked which gin and panicked. So, her question: is there really that much of a difference apart from the price tag? Answer: the basic recipe is the same i.e. neutral base spirit with added botanicals. But it’s …

Let It Snow

So, as I write this, everywhere is blanketed in the white stuff. But like a foot sticking out from the edge of the duvet, where we live (in the New Forest) is cold but uncovered. And I’ve got serious snow envy because unless we get some, it means we’ve got to do World Book Day …

Aprés Ski

This time last week I was sitting in an alpine restaurant with a plate of macaroni covered in melted swiss cheese and a glass of crisp white swiss wine in front of me. We were in Lenzerheide for half term, a gorgeous ski resort the Husband had been to years ago, and it was heavenly. …

Blue Moon

After what feels like 782 days, January is finally over. Even the universe seemed pleased to see the back of it, sticking a beautiful blue moon in the sky to celebrate. Come to think of it a few things happened in January that, not unlike a blue moon, I know to be rare but not …

Burns baby, Burns

So, I went to a Burns Night supper on Thursday night and left thinking I really must drink more whisky. Not that night (I’d already had a couple of drams). Just generally, because it’s the most glorious drink and I really don’t drink it very often. Dried fruits, nuts, vanilla and spice – the flavour …


I’ve been reading a brilliant book called The Sober Diaries by Clare Pooley. Like me, she’s a mother of three in her forties. Unlike me, she doesn’t drink alcohol. What made her stop was a slow decline from having a glass or two in the evening once the kids were in bed to drinking at …

Late to the Party

Happy New Year! Yes, I know I’m a little late but we came crashing into 2018 with lost luggage, sick bugs and sizeable hangovers. Anyway, I’ve included a 0% wine and beer in the reviews below this week just in case you need a change from drinking tonic with a dash of bitters (and assuming …

Merry Christmas!

So, here we are. As promised, there’s a bumper selection of suitably christmassy wines this week including the bargain champagne featured on last week’s This Morning. Yes, I did ACTUAL This Morning on the telly on Friday! A festive fizz tasting on ice with skating polar bears in the background. The clip’s on the KMWC …

Message in a bottle

So all my presents are bought, wrapped and ready to go. Cards have been written. Homemade mince pies are stashed in the freezer. In my dreams, obviously. Honestly, when it comes to Christmas planning I’m definitely not your woman. But when it comes to sorting out drinks, that I can do. If you’re on the lookout …

Espresso Love

I’ve been all over the place this week. Literally. London for work, Manchester for an author’s talk and Bath for a wine tasting. And I’ve done some radio interviews in between, including one on how drink affects your mood (answer: largely depends how you’re feeling before you have one) and another on whether there’s any …

Jump(er) To It

After spending last week in London tasting around 100 wines a day (I was judging at the International Wine Challenge, not just really thirsty), I’m back and trying to get on top of things. It’s not going that well. The house is a tip, the laundry basket needs a room of its own, work has …

Just in case

Apologies for radio silence last week. Half term. I’m still recovering. Case in point: yesterday, I met a friend for quick coffee in town and afterwards got into my car. I was in a bit of a hurry – doctor’s appointment – but the car wouldn’t start. My key wasn’t working. I wailed. Possibly swore, …

Spirit Level

I remember a time when Halloween wasn’t really a thing. Not any more. And, I’ve realised, resistance is futile. When I suggested that perhaps we, y’know, scale back this year’s Halloween extravaganza – ridiculous spooky tea at ours before visiting neighbours to claim the kids’ bodyweight in Haribo – it was met with (funnily enough) …

Free Gin! Yes, really.

They say the best things in life are free. Not altogether true (wine! luxury skincare!) but you get the gist. Anyway, last week I posted a picture on Instagram of these brightly coloured gin-filled baubles. Designed to hang on your Christmas tree and filled with Pickering’s Gin, they are, quite simply, gin-ius. Sadly, they’re not free (a …

On a break

Well, the Menorcan mini-break with gorgeous girlfriends was a boon and I came back truly refreshed. A little too refreshed, to be honest – there was a lot of rosé. And crisps. But we swam in the sea every morning (glorious!), shopped and sunbathed a little, walked, talked and laughed until we cried a lot. …

Life’s a beach

Thank you for all my lovely birthday messages, especially the one that reminded me I’m now old enough to know what really matters. On that note, I’m off to Menorca with a couple of BFFs for a long weekend. I’ve made a lasagne and left it in the freezer at home (for some reason I …

Autumn Feels

Oh, how I love this time of year. I’m back in jumpers. I’ve picked blackberries. I’m drinking red wine in front of the fire. Truly: my comfort zone. But I saw a quote on Instagram the other day (bear with me) and it said that outside of your comfort zone is where the magic happens. …

Fall In

Well, wasn’t that fun? Six weeks filled with sun and fun. Apart from the bits when it p*ssed with rain (quite a lot) and we all drove each other mad (quite a lot). But now it’s all over and the children are back at school. For the first time in months the house is quiet. An …

To Don’t List

Sometimes my life seems like one long list of stuff to do. So for the next 10 days, I’m going to live by a To Don’t list. Here’s what’s on it. Don’t think 11am is too early for a glass of rosé. Don’t buy that pair of white cotton trousers in the French market for …

Happy Campers

So Camp Bestival at the weekend was wet but happily the wine was dry. And delicious. And plentiful. On Saturday night around 50 of us crammed into a tent for the annual Secret Mummies Wine Club and, as always, The Scummy Mummies made us laugh a lot. The wines went down well (and fast), especially a …

Boxing Clever

This weekend I’m off to Camp Bestival for one of my favourite gigs of the year, the Secret Mummies Wine Club. Together with the brilliant catsuit-wearing goddesses of comedy The Scummy Mummies, we’ll be doing a pop-up wine tasting for around 50 fellow knackered mothers/wine lovers (and a few brave fathers) in a tent. If …

Love All

Good TV is like buses. Nothing, then two arrive at once. I’m talking about Wimbledon and Love Island, obviously. I love both, equally. I mean I know Love Island is ridiculous but I just can’t. Stop. Watching. As for Wimbledon, I love that it gives us an excuse to watch telly in the afternoon, even when …

Flying By

What a week. Met a deadline on Tuesday, another on Wednesday, had a flat tyre on Thursday (sorry, this is sounding like the worst Craig David song ever). But – hooray! – it’s Friday and the weekend is almost ours. It’s been quite a week so when I did get that flat tyre yesterday, I made the most …

Hot Stuff

Last week was mostly fuelled by codeine following knee surgery so I didn’t get to post. Instead I shared something on the KMWC Facebook page I’d prepared earlier: me flying on a trapeze. Filmed months before I did my knee in, obviously. Anyway more on that here next week but for now, given that it’s been …

Walk On

I’m being forced to put my feet up. Or at least one of them because I’m having that knee operation tomorrow. So, this morning I went for one last walk on the forest with five friends and nine dogs and it was gorgeous. And funny: one friend turned up with a burst blood vessel in her …

Peas & Love

Yes, that is a pea in my drink. And it was delicious, sipped in the Seedlip bar at the Chelsea Flower Show where I spent yesterday afternoon enjoying a slice of horticultural heaven. The gardens on show were beautiful, giving me serious garden envy. I mean, I can just about manage a few herbs, even the odd pot …

Straight to wine

So here we are, the kids still on holiday (mine go back next Tuesday. NEXT TUESDAY) and I’m still on crutches. It’s been a mad week work-wise too (although I do realise that tasting and writing about booze for a living means that I can’t really complain about anything, ever). Anyway, I think it’s best …

Snow Escape

I kicked off my rose season properly yesterday with a glass at midday accompanied by this view. I’m in Austria and plan to spend much of the rest of the week drinking more wine and eating melted cheese. But the mood is definitely Spring-like, despite being surrounded by snow. So I’ve added a suitably Spring-friendly wine review below (you can even …

Bored Meeting

Poor Prof. Kelly, trying to keep a straight face during a live TV interview about South Korean politics, knowing that behind him his children have crashed the party. I’ve watched this clip so many times and it still makes me laugh. And slightly curl my toes, having been on work calls whilst trying to ignore the 3 ft Power …

Scummy Wines

This week sees the launch of the laugh-til-you-wee Scummy Mummies book, so to celebrate I thought we’d take a look at some suitably scummy wines. Written by Ellie Gibson and Helen Thorn, the book is a brilliant celebration of parenting failures, stuffed with hilarious confessions and top tips. For example, new parents! Save time by …

Drinks All Round

I’ve been dying to tell you about this: I’m writing another book. And this time, we’re back on the booze. Out next year, it’s all about how to make really good cocktails at home. So if you have any favourite cocktail recipes you’d like to share, I’d love to know about them! Email, leave a comment here or on Instagram or Facebook, whatever …

Party On

As ever, late to the party – our half term is this week. On the up side, mornings aren’t quite so early/shouty. On the down side, trampoline parks. We went to one yesterday afternoon and the kids flipped for an hour whilst I hid in a corner with my laptop, trying to hit a deadline. Honestly, you …

Valentine Wines

Not that we really need an excuse to open a bottle of something pink and sparkly but at least on Valentine’s Day we don’t even have to make one up. Very quickly, what makes wine pink? Answer: the skins of the grapes. You can’t make rose from white grapes; but add red grapes into the …

New York, New York

So I won’t go on about it but I went to New York. For the weekend. With no kids. I know. I walked in Central Park desperately hoping to bump into Tom Hanks (I didn’t), window-shopped in Soho, stayed out late in Brooklyn and drank Old Fashioned like it was going out of…you know what I mean. We …

Food & Wine Matching

There’s one thing better than a perfect glass of wine – and that’s a perfect glass of wine with exactly the right kind of food. Seriously, when you get the flavour combination right, everything tastes better. A simple omelette is anything but when put with a glass of chilled Chablis. Fish and chips and a …

And Relax

So that’s January almost over and done with. Thank goodness; it’s been exhausting. But I have JUST the thing for anyone in need of a little r&r. Lime Wood, in the New Forest, is one of the most gorgeous hotels I know and their Herb House Spa is positively d-r-e-a-m-y. There’s a spa day for two up for grabs …

Pain Relief

What a week it’s been: long, cold and the guy who was in Home Alone 2 briefly is to be President (I’m watching as I type). A highlight was Wednesday, when I went to sign books at a friend’s new wine shop in London, Wild & Lees. Not only did I get to see some of …

Planet Organic

A couple of weeks into the new year and I still feel like staying under a blanket until February, preferably with a Terry’s Chocolate Orange and a glass of red within reach. I have managed to get to one Pilates class so far this year. I know, hardly Joe Wicks but still. (I did read …

Cocktail, anyone?

Happy New Year! Bit late I know but, technically, last year was only last week. After the madness, here we are in the cold light of January. And I kinda like it; I think it’s the clean sheet of paper feel of it all. The anything-is-possible vibe. I’m definitely going to try and move less and eat …

Round Robin

Last night, having just finished setting up for a KMWC wine tasting, a robin appeared and perched on the edge of the ice bucket. Look at the picture above! Could not have been more Christmassy. Anyway, having spent much of last week talking about not drinking on various radio shows to coincide with the launch of …

Wish List

Oh, I’m feeling it. I’m even making some progress on the present list. Talking of which I thought I’d share a few of my favourite booze-related present ideas, just in case scrolling through Amazon is starting to mess with your head. More to come on Christmas feast-friendly wines next week but in the meantime, I give you: Best …

Stiff Competition

Recovering from a mad week. I was judging at the International Wine Challenge for most of it but what really did me in was a last-minute (rare) eyebrow thread. Seriously. Well, it was the free 30-second neck massage at the end to be precise. Lovely at the time but I woke up the next day with a …

Order, Order!

So this is me, holding a copy of my new book – Teetotal Tipples – in my hand. Obviously, I have a glass of wine in the other. It’s now exactly a month until the book is out but you can pre-order it here! I wrote it because, having done a dry January earlier this year, I realised …


Thanks to so many of you buying the first ever KMWC wine case back in June – seriously, thank you! – we’ve been able to put together another one. Rather more hygge than high summer, this one’s got five fireside-friendly reds and four crisp-as-fresh-snow whites. There’s a couple of rose wines in there too because, as …

Cast Away

I’m often late to the party. I don’t mean an actual party. Just, you know, the “party”. Take parkas: only just ordered one and they’ve been around since, like, forever. Or box sets. By the time we sit down to watch something I’ve usually heard or read so much about it I feel like I’ve already seen it. Then there’s spiralising, although …

Small Mercies

I’m a little delirious. I blame half term. Normally, when the kids are all at school, I get a clear day to do stuff. Until 3pm, that is, when all bets are off until at least 8pm. But at least there are a few hours in the day to work, write, taste wine (I know, ridiculous job) and …

Twice Baked

That whole bake with your kids thing? Lovely in theory, carnage in practice in my experience. Last week we spent an evening making cupcakes for a friend’s charity cake sale at school. Once the cakes were made, Middle Boy and Youngest Girl set about decorating them with everything they could find in the the cupboard. Silver …

Clothes Horse

Last Saturday night, we had our biennial School Ball. It might be a tiny village school but when it comes to parties, it goes large. We’re talking black tie, dinner, dancing. For the last ten years I’ve had a go-to dress for such occasions: jade green, very Studio 54 (in my head). Minus the horse, obviously. Problem …

Storm in a B Cup

A new range of French wines, including some from Bordeaux, are set to hit Lidl’s shelves on Thursday this week. Hardly headline news but in fact it’s done just that, kicking up a little wine storm. Because some of the wines come from lesser-known vineyards neighbouring top estates, the latter charging much higher prices even though …


Remember when I did a dry January? I do, all too clearly. Anyway, the thing I found tough was not the not drinking so much as finding something non-alcoholic and interesting to drink in the evenings. Given that we’re spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a glass of wine, it’s surprisingly difficult to …

Cupboard Love

Maybe it’s the back to school feeling in the air. More likely it’s the fact that I’ve got deadlines. Whatever: I can’t stop clearing out cupboards. It all started with the coat cupboard, where I found not one but two old puffa jackets I’d forgotten about. A boon because apparently they’re the only thing we …


You know how kids get a sticker if they’re brave/don’t cry when they visit the dentist? I think parents should get one of those for surviving the school shoe shop. Honestly, the seventh circle of hell is a more pleasant place to hang out than the John Lewis children’s shoe department in the last week of the …

Happy Camper

The last time we went camping as a family we had a seven month old baby and a three year old in tow. Oh, and a puppy. And I was pregnant. And it was blowing a gale. And of course we were on a slope. But we went again last weekend and this time it was different. For …

Gold Rush

Last Saturday night, I donned a gold lamé catsuit for a wine tasting. Of course I did, because it was Camp Bestival and I was doing the Secret Mummies Wine Club with the Scummy Mummies and DJ Sara Cox. And it was one of the funniest wine tastings I’ve ever done. The wines were fabulous, the crowd was gorgeous and …

Chardonnay, Go!

My let-them-get-bored strategy has come back to bite me. “Mum, please can we do some painting?” are seven words you don’t want to hear at 6.35pm after a long day. It was enough to make me want to play Chardonnay Go. If you haven’t seen it, watch it here; forget Pokémon Go, this is way more …

Play Time

Well, here we are. Six weeks of summer holidays. Six. Whole. Weeks. I mean, there’s lots to love. No school runs, no last minute hunts for clean school uniform and no reading book guilt. This is all good. Not so good: the permanent canteen/washing/taxi service needed to keep things ticking over. But I have a plan …

Absolutely Fabulous

First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who’s ordered a case (or more) of our first ever KMWC exclusive wine case. It’s absolutely flying! Lots of you have already tucked in (I expect nothing less) and I’m loving hearing what you think of the wines. If you can, take a picture with bottle in hand …

On The Case

When I asked you what else you’d like from The Knackered Mother’s Wine Club recently, lots of you suggested wine by the case. It made complete sense: order online, get it delivered, stock up and save time. Then I had an idea. And happily, one of my current favourite online wine by the case retailers thought …

KMWC End of Term Wine Case!

With the end of term looming, it’s time to get organized. And that means stocking up the fridge and wine rack so that you’re covered for any eventuality. From last minute drop-ins to midweek sippers, Friday night wine to dinner with friends, this case has got it all. Leaving you more time to think about what to do with the kids for the next six weeks…

Together with Abi Hirshfeld, Laithwaites wine buyer (and fellow knackered mother!), I’ve selected a case of 12 wines from our range. Normally priced at £120, the case is priced at just £79.99, a SAVING OF £40.



Chin Chin x

Bottoms Up

I’ve got exciting news. But I can’t share it until next week so, given that I’m terrible at keeping secrets, I’m going to have to change the subject until then. Earlier this week I helped with a fundraising event called Barre to the Bar. It involved an introduction to barre pilates for 50 people led by my friend, the …

Comedy Camp

I have Camp Bestival news: I’m doing a wine tasting on the Saturday night with the wee-inducinginly funny, gold catsuit-rocking comedy duo The Scummy Mummies. And our host for the evening is DJ Sara Cox. I know! And, if you fancy doing another (smaller) pop-up tasting on the Friday, with just me and a load of lovely …

Quiet Time

We went away last week for a few days during half term, to Scotland, with friends. Three days of glorious weather and picnics. Also: a run of late nights meaning I had to come back and lie in a darkened room. Which I did for, ooh, all of five minutes before somebody was asking me …


Half term is upon us and so, naturally, my thoughts turn to wine. It’s times like these we need volume. Portable volume. And if you’re off camping (mad fools!), you’ll need it in something other than glass. Now, wine boxes used to be boring, wine-wise. Then some of them got a bit better. But still …

Search Party

Lots of you have been kind enough to tell me that you find the new wine search function on the website useful (‘THIS WILL CHANGE MY LIFE’, said one, brilliantly). Then, this morning, a friend showed me how she’s downloaded the Search Wine bit to her phone home screen, taking her straight to the wine reviews when she’s …

Beauty Camp

As promised, a quick update on those booze-related beauty treatments I tested out last week. Washing my hair in beer made me smell like a brewery and washing my face in red wine, egg white and honey was as horrible as it sounds. However, making a home-made body scrub from tequila, salt, oil and lime juice …

Wine Face

I’m sitting here with wine on my face. Better than egg, you might think. But that’s on there too, along with some honey. My feet are submerged in vodka, my nails are soaked in gin and I’m about to pour beer on my head. With good reason: I’m testing out some booze-based beauty tricks for …

Forward Planning

Right, a couple of Bank Holiday weekends coming up. Time to get organised and fill the fridge/rack accordingly. We need to cover last minute drop ins, big family get-togethers and something to collapse on the sofa with. But before I get to the wines, let’s do diaries. This Sunday, I’m hosting a wine tasting at the …