Damp Patch

I’m talking about January, obviously. And instead of going dry (oh come on, we’ve talked about this) I’m doing a dry-ish January. Damp, in other words. Obviously I’m cutting down on booze because, well, December. But I’m not cutting it out. Rather, I’m staying dry for most of the week and enjoying a glass of …

Feet Up

Remember I hurt my knee doing The Nutcracker at Christmas? (We take charades very seriously in this house). Turns out I’ve got to have surgery later this week so I’ll be sofa-bound for a couple of days post-op. For obvious reasons, I’m thrilled at the prospect of being forced to put my feet up for …

Take a break

Half term next week. How did that happen? HOW? Summer finished, like, five minutes ago. I’ve only just got my properly chunky jumpers out (not a euphemism). But despite having to pretend there are no kids in the house when on a work call, it feels like a breather of sorts. No early morning clean …

Reality TV

So, I was at The London Studios earlier this week for the start of the final series of The Alan Titchmarsh Show (I’m back on as the booze hound on his Friday show) when a man walked into the Make Up room. He looked really familiar but I just couldn’t place him. ‘You know who …