Bar Work

So they’re finally back at school (pumps fist) and I’m very much back to work after a few weeks off. Well, I say work. I was lucky enough to be invited to stay at the newly opened Pig Hotel in the South Downs and to say I was excited to be out is understating it …

Holiday Report

Our holiday shoes.  This time last week, we were on holiday. Highlights include: 1. Going barefoot, wearing nothing but a swimming costume and kaftan until the sun dipped. 2. Having to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to the lady in the village shop in an effort to check it was indeed caster sugar, rather than salt, that …


No, not a reference to the catalogue that might give me house envy but whose clothes always make my arse look the size of a small country. (And yes, I am blaming the clothes. It’s easier that way). I’m talking about Toast, the foodie crew who organise events (I believe they are called happenings, nowadays) …