Bar Work

So they’re finally back at school (pumps fist) and I’m very much back to work after a few weeks off. Well, I say work. I was lucky enough to be invited to stay at the newly opened Pig Hotel in the South Downs and to say I was excited to be out is understating it somewhat. The place is AMAZING and comes complete with its own vineyard! There won’t be any wine produced until next year but I’m thinking it’ll be totally worth the wait. Then last week I went to the Fortnum & Mason Food & Drink Awards party (some of you might remember I won something at their inaugural awards about a hundred years ago) and talked negronis with Stanley Tucci and village fetes with Angela Hartnett (that’s a whole other story). But this week I really am back to work, I promise. Pass the corkscrew.

Talking of which, we’re back with WINE TIME at 6pm on Friday over on Kat Farmer’s Instagram page @doesmybumlook40! Join us with whatever’s in your glass if you fancy virtual drinks at the end of the week, we’d love to see you there.

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