1. Smoke (I know, I know…).
2. Cry for all those failed pregnancy tests I used to do
3. Have a functional kitchen like Katie
4. Kiss my mother for not being nearly as dysfunctional as Katie’s mother
It said in the paper today that this programme should be watched whilst eating tinned peaches and drinking white wine. I didn’t have any peaches so made do with wine instead. It was the same Chilean Sauvignon as the other night. Husband still not back but is tomorrow, wine tasting better already.
KM x
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Ooh, is there another series then? Loved the first series but was seriously disappointed by the second……yes, it is definitely one for a serious glass of wine.
Yes, final series! Much better this time, lots of screaming cliches (frazzled working mother making cupcakes blah blah) but still so very, very watchable.
I don't watch an awful lot of telly cos in the US TV is crap anyway…Mistresses however sounds like it would just make me drink more wine!!!
I know, I haven't sold it well to those who don't watch but promise you it is not as bad as it sounds, really!
One day, maybe when BBC America stops screening Dr Who 24 hours a day we might just get to watch Mistresses.
Mistresses additionally makes me want to pay more attention to my shoes. They're all into the shoes. I should be more shoe focussed, that must surely make for better drama, yes?
I haven't seen it – I'd love to because every trailer I've seen looks really good. Must catch up. BTW have you done off twitter? I was looking for you earlier as I want to email you a pic of a fab wine we had in Cologne x
No, still there but changed my name from helsmc to knackeredmutha….oh, perhaps I've not changed the thingy here on the blog, will go and check. Send me pic if it works, I remember you tweeting about a Riesling and wondered what you were drinking! x