Win Win(e)

And just like that half term is on the horizon. To be honest I’m not sure what month/week/day it is half the time anymore. I blame lockdown. And maybe hormones. Whatever, it’s been a busy few weeks and I’m looking forward to a bit of a break. I’m almost done on my second fiction book so more news on that soon but if you want a sneak peek of the cover (and you can pre-order!) click here. Talking of breaks, I thought you might want to top up the wine rack ahead of half term so I’ve teamed up with The Whisky Exchange and we’ve got a mixed case of wine worth £68 to give away! Thanks to having one of the best buyers in the business, Dawn Davies, in charge they’ve got an amazing wine range and Dawn has picked a brilliant selection of hidden gems for the case. I adored every single one. See my reviews for more details on the wines and to be in with a chance of winning all you need to do is leave a comment on the blog below and a winner will be picked at random next week. Good luck!

T&Cs: UK residents only, must be over 18years old to enter. Competition closes on 26th May at 11.59pm. The winner will be notified by email and the prize will be sent to the winner after that date.

This post is sponsored by The Whisky Exchange. See The Whisky Exchange for more details.

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  1. Simon Heape

    FYI: new book link goes to pre-order Kindle version only, so might come as a surprise to anyone wanting to pre-order the print version

  2. Simon Heape

    By the way, I’d love to win the wines, I love trying new varieties and there’s a few there I’m not familiar with.

    • Rachel Gill

      Puppy dog eyes on a bottle of red🐶. That would go in my trolley. They all sound interesting and would be lovely to win them. I would use our first socially distanced family get together as an excuse to taste test them. 🤪

  3. Clodagh Buckley

    That Zibibbo sounds very interesting, I love a Viognier so this sounds like a summer version of that maybe? I’ll seek it out to try

  4. Always up for both trying new and winning free wine, so throwing my comment in the virtual ring!

  5. You had me at “win free wine”…. 😜

  6. Sarah Hague

    Surely every half term should come with wine?!

  7. Mmm free wine and another book – brilliant 👍

  8. Would love this to celebrate a decade since getting married. Lots of wine drunk then and since

  9. Patricia Sey

    I love a KMWC blog.. and an opportunity to catch on Saturday kitchen… great news re second book… and wine… 👍😜🍾

  10. Tammy Watson

    I feel the need to stick my nose in a glass of zibibbo!

  11. That Smederevka sounds really interesting – nice to see some less common varities and countries getting some attention.

  12. Carollyn Johnson

    I’m definitely stuck in a bit of a wine rut, buying the old faithful grape varieties week in week out so would love this to broaden my horizons!

  13. Thanks Hels, I’m drinking a Dash as we speak based on your SK recommendation!

  14. Gill Bream

    Ooh lots of wine in the fridge and rack… It MUST be coming up to half term! 😉
    Thanks to KMWC I am on the BEST wine discovery journey!
    Late to the party, I’ve only just read your KMWG (I devoured it cover to cover in 3 bedtime reads!) and now spend a very long time perusing the wine aisle.
    I will have to check out The Whisky Exchange and continue to seek the cure for my Sauv Blanc grape rut! Would love to win a box of their faves! Xx

  15. Lesley Westwood

    My wine rack and fridge are bereft of wine, oh for the chance to replenish both and taste some exciting new wines .

  16. Edwin Davies

    Love your recommendations on SMK. Have any of the special guests invited you out to lunch after they’ve been blown away by your choices?

  17. I cam find lots of hard working school staff to help me with the wine over half term!

    • Clare Hudson

      Love reading or watching your reviews and then making the trip to buy the wines and sample them; an adventure. Wouldn’t have thought of buying wine from The Whiskey Exchange, so that’s a great tip. Thanks

  18. These look amazing choices. Would live to try. Since buying your book in lockdown I’m excited about trying different grapes.

  19. Half term – sunshine – peace and quiet – a good book and a glass or two of wine from this selection. I’ll take any combination!

  20. Lewis & Lauren

    Saturday kitchen 4 life. We love you hels,

    All these wines sound banging especially the Sicilian number.

  21. Elle Sugden

    I know the feeling about not knowing what day it is! Treat every day like a Friday I say and treat yourself to a glass or two… fingers crossed for the competition!

  22. Rachel Naylor

    Have pre-ordered the new book on Kindle and am looking forward to it! Also, would love to win the wine. Definitely in the knackered mother category with a 12 week old and a five year old 🙂

  23. Caroline Pomfret

    We tried the cremant you recommended the other day and it is fabulous! May have to place an order to try some of these even if I don’t win.

  24. Would love to win these wonderful wines and serve them at a family get together. 20 months since seeing my family this would be the icing on the cake to celebrate that reunion. Looking forward to reading your new book.

  25. Trina Redshaw

    Love the Whisky Exchange but have never bought wine from them – looking forward to trying a few more
    Varieties that we aren’t familiar with and if we are feeling generous, may even share with friends 😂

  26. Sarah Evans

    Mandarosa wines are to die for! Would be a very happy and appreciative recipient of a half term treat!

  27. Misleading company name! I would ♥️ to win…

  28. I love watching Saturday Kitchen and have tried a few of the wines from less well known grapes that you’ve recommended.
    Not a duff one yet and so winning this mixed box would allow even more adventures in developing my range of quaffable wines!

  29. Sian McCarthy

    The Zibbo sounds divine! Mandarins a wines are fantastic and who wouldn’t want to win!

  30. Emma Canavan

    Mmmm all of those wines sound delicious! Just in time for sunshine

  31. Yes please to all of this – half term & wine!! Also about to start marathon training that week so need the hydration🥴.

  32. Irene Downey

    What a lovely prize. Trying to expand my wine knowledge and varieties tasted so this will be perfect.

  33. Stephanie Spence

    Love your work Helen!

  34. Brenda Swiestowska

    Wow that’s an unusual selection of wine. Would be great to try some of those.

  35. That sounds like a really interesting collection of wines. I don’t think I’ve ever tried a Macedonian wine so the Tikves Smederevka sounds particularly intriguing.

  36. Joanna Manley

    Half term, how? In need of wine… yes! Loving exploring the new wines your recommending 🙂

  37. Karen Parry

    Love the sound of these wines. I do love a quirky label. Like a book cover, I’m always attracted to the label. I’ve yet to be disappointed by any of Helen’s wines.

  38. Julie Kelly

    Not heard of Whiskey Exchange- probably didn’t expect them to sell wine! Who wouldn’t want to win wine??! 👍🍷

  39. Woohoo. Sounds like a great case to be lucky enough to win. 😊

  40. Cat Ramsay

    These wines sound like a cracking way to get summer underway! I love a Zibibbo and would love to try Macedonian wine. What a great prize.

  41. I’m Stuck in an Italian wine rut. Send help and wine. This wine would be a lovely addition to our little half term break in Norfolk.

  42. Ginette Filson

    Wow, these all sound like great wines and so unusual. I’m off to look at the website in case I don’t win the free case!!

    • Leanne Trotter

      Ooh free wines that sound amazing! Count me in! Will have a look at the website in case I don’t win!

  43. kirsty scott

    Zibibbo – really like this grape. great recommendation!

  44. These all sound fabulous!🥂 I’ve learnt so much about wine and discovered so many new bottles since watching Helen on Saturday Kitchen and listening to her blog. I have a special list on my phone of all wines recommended by Helen, so that when I am in the named shop, I can buy and try. I haven’t been disappointed yet! Thank you😊

  45. Yes please to a free box of interesting / different wines. I’m studying my L3 at the moment 🙏

  46. Love reading and watching your reviews and then making the trip to buy them and enjoy; an adventure. Wouldn’t have thought of buying wine from The Whisky Exchange, so thanks for that great tip.

  47. Angela Pepperell

    Fabulous forward thinking and eye catching packaging from The Whiskey Exchange. Perfect for half term. Love reading your blog, it makes me smile 🙂

  48. christine harris

    I always look forward to hearing about your recommendations & broadening my wine palette, these wines sounds amazing 🙌🏻

  49. Win win > what a great manta . I was disappointed with not being able to pre-order a hard copy as I love a good paper book relaxing with my wine by the river.

  50. Emma Killick

    Thank you for showing us the way

  51. Nicola McIlroy

    These sound great! Always looking to expand my knowledge and range of wines!

  52. Joanne Buck

    Win win indeed! Reading this has made my mouth water. I’d love to win these hidden gems, they sound fabulous.

  53. Lucinda Bailey-Coe

    If there’s wine going, I’d love to win it 🍷 😊

  54. Allison Richards

    Ooooooh yummy yummy…… would love these for after my baby is born in 7 weeks….. would make a fabulous return to my wine journey!!

  55. Tracey Jackson

    Your emails never go unread! They are so familiar to my life as a Mum. The idea of popping red wine in an ice bucket and glugging from a tumbler is novel. If I win I will give it a whirl. Enjoy half term when you finally get your feet up your choice of wine at home now sounds delightful xx

  56. Jane Foster

    Hi there. Have loved your Quarantini IG videos with Kat. And I’d love the chance to win some wine !!!

  57. Carol Mitchell

    Would love to win these wines, love trying something new , all your recommendations have been brilliant!

  58. Libby Burke

    Half term + wine = just what mummy needs! Fingers crossed, sounds fabulous!

  59. Exciting different varieties, we all need pushed out of our lockdown ruts, this mix of wines would be just the kick I need. Thank you

  60. All new wines to me, and I wouldn’t have thought of the Whisky Exchange for buying wine,. Every day’s a school day! Many thanks for all that you do!

  61. Lovely sounding wines!

  62. Sounds like an interesting selection to investigate. To win it would be fabulous!

  63. Every birthday especially when it falls on a Bank Holiday should have good wine. I’d especially look forward to tasting the intriguing sounding Cantina Goccia 3Q with family. 🍷

  64. Every birthday, but especially a Bank Holiday birthday, deserves good wine to share with family. These all sound wonderful especially the Cantina Goccio 3Q.

  65. Would welcome the chance to share these for a Bank Holiday birthday with family. The Cantina Goccia is intriguing. 🍷

  66. I’m looking forward to trying some of these wines-and 🤞winning some 😊🥂🍷


    Wine is essential kit at half term isn’t it?! Especially when my eldest has just finished his GCSEs and Yr11, end of an era, time to celebrate! X

  68. Mike Chirnside

    What an amazing-sounding array of wines! If nothing else, it would be worth trying the Macedonian offering… 🤤

  69. Katrina Gibbs

    I’m loving trying all the new wines I see you recommend so would love a new bottle or two to try over half term.

  70. I’d love to win some wine, I have birth on Saturday and am so looking forward to having wine again.

  71. Dave Cunnah

    What a fabby selection of wines. So different and from such unusual wine producers.

    Fingers crossed.

  72. Janet Readings

    Yummy – a different selection to try! I’m enjoying your appearances on Saturday Kitchen.

  73. Gillian Mansbridge

    You’re so right, Macedonian wine? Who knew? Will definitely try, thanks Helen

  74. Yes please, wines sound fantastic!

  75. Elizabeth Fuente Avila

    They all sound wonderful! Would love to win 🤩

  76. Wow those wines sound very interesting. I love a fruity red wine and my husband is always interested in a good Riesling. Would love to win 😊

  77. Pauline Knight

    Omg. How good is this. Fantastic book and now the chance of some fantastic wine.

  78. Joanne Climance

    Love you on Instagram, bought many of the recommended wines. Also love you videos great humour 🤞🏼💐🥂

  79. The wines look really interesting and I’d love to try them “free”. 🤞

  80. Wines sound delicious! Yes please enter me for the comp; perfect timing to top up wine rack for half term! Insanely excited that I’ve just pre-ordered “In Just One Day” to be auto-delivered wirelessly to my Kindle on 5 August 2021 – Setting aside the day to put my feet up, glass of wine in one hand, kindle in the other! Can’t wait x

  81. Geraldine Gough

    Win wine it said on your Insta! Yes my mind shouted!!! 🙌❤️🙌

  82. Just preordered this book after reading This Changes Everything. I cannot wait until August to read the next one… with wine!
    🍷 📚 ❤️

  83. Kathryn Topping

    Watching the rain run down the window and dreaming of sitting in the sunshine with a chilled glass of Zibobbo

  84. would love to win the wines! Fingers crossed, although hard to hold a wine glass like that!

  85. Paul Jameison

    I’m new to KMWC but always enjoy your recommendations and fun you bring to Saturday Kitchen. I’m always interested in the red wine offerings and should summer ever arrive will be trying a chilled Cereza Sera blah blah

  86. I can’t wait for half term, and the Zibibbo sounds like the perfect way to celebrate!

  87. These wines sound interesting – not tried any of them but definitely willing to try 🙂

  88. Wow! They are sound amazing…ready for sharing once the restrictions are fully lifted in June…party anyone??

  89. Donna Harrison

    Win Win drew me in! what fab sounding delicious wines 🙂 also really looking forward to book 2!! number 1 was great x

  90. What’s to lose?!

  91. Interesting wines and a new book – what’s not to love!?!

  92. Jennifer A Roberts

    Brilliant selection of wines. Your recommendations on Saturday Kitchen have kept me going during this pandemic!

  93. Loving all I’m learning and tasting!!! Saturday breakfast and Wine Time with Kat is just hilarious 😊

  94. Donna Blyth

    I’m loving finding new wine as a result of your recommendations…you haven’t disappointed me yet!

  95. Yes, please! Absolutely loving following you and trying new wines. Thank you.

    Good luck with the book launch!

  96. Half term wine supplies desperately required here – i promise to make tasting notes! (cannot guarantee they’ll make much sense mind….)

  97. Olwen Palmer

    Would love to try these wines as invariably I stick to the tried and tested an these sound delicious.

  98. Love reading your blogs and up for a chance of winning some goodies

  99. Ooh i’d love to win some lovely wine!

  100. Rachel Liddon

    Love trying the wines you recommend and it’s totally broadened my outlook on different varieties of wine…..keep em coming!

  101. Karien Read

    Only just heard about you, and cant wait to try some wine and hear more! 🙂

  102. Karen Butler

    It’s always 5 o’clock somewhere in the world!!! ……..hic

  103. Tracey Bennett

    Some very interesting wines listed , can feel a few purchases coming my way . Loved your first book looking forward to reading this one .

  104. Love trying the wines you recommend. Fingers crossed 🤞

  105. Satvinder Billa

    Would be delighted to win anyone of these wines. They certainly are different out of the box thinking wines. Current White In The Fridge: Tikves Smederevka- sounds delicious with the fruit quoted especially my favourite peach!!

    Please enter me in n the prize competition. Thank you.

  106. Who says there’s no such thing as a free lunch? Hang on… wine can be lunch, can’t it?

  107. Andrew Miles

    Can’t beat a good bottle of wine with your partner to start the weekend

  108. Rachel Arnup

    The Cereza Cara Sucia Durigutti sounds delicious. I love a good Red Wine.

  109. Diana Jones

    Love your name ‘Knackered mothers wine club’

  110. David Boundy

    Great prize. Would love to win

  111. Samantha Terry

    After last year, every mother needs some wine.

  112. Ohhh yes please…….good luck everyone 💕

  113. Margaret Lucas

    Would love to try these wines – every wine we have tried on your recommendation, we have loved and passed the word on. Here’s hoping!

  114. Hugh Fairbairn

    Fingers crossed. great prize

  115. David Munro

    Fingers firmly crossed. Hic! 🙂

  116. My glass is waiting 🍷

  117. Brigitte Leprince

    The Costadune Zibibbo Secco looks like a delicious fruity treat! Nothing better than a cool glass of wine on a hot Summers day!

  118. Wesley Hope

    What a great prize: one my mum would appreciate!

  119. sallie burrows

    would be nice to give these a try

  120. Eva Appleby

    It would be so amazing to win a bottle for my wedding anniversary in July

  121. Adrian Boler

    😋😋😋 Yum… yes please

  122. This is a lovely post and such a great selection of wines! I would absolutely love to win this and have the opportunity to share them with my loved ones. Good luck to everyone who entered xx

  123. tracey lowe

    wine, wine, wine? YES YES YES 🙂

  124. Stephen Ballard

    Framingham Classic Riesling – a little expensive but well worth it as a treat

  125. michelle g

    I’ve love to win some wine and maybe it might stop raining so we can go outside for a BBQ

  126. I would love to win this wine as quite frankly I could never afford to own such a vast amount of wine any other time! I have a 20 year anniversary coming up, as well as my husband’s and daughter’s birthday so this would be utterly perfect to celebrate with!

  127. Carl Daisley

    What an excellent giveaway. Would absolutely love to win this for my wife. Good luck everyone x

  128. Susan Laing

    Oh theres a few there i havent tried that would be lovely to win

  129. I’d love to win these quality wines for our summer parties.

  130. What a great prize 🍷 I loved This Changes Everything and can’t wait to read your new book. Good luck with the launch Helen 😊

  131. Claire Jones

    They all sound lovely – after years of staying safe with a frascati or Pinot Grigio, I’m following your recommendations and trying new things – living pecorino and Gavi , would love to try these new ones too if I win x

  132. perfect prize! I could celebrate wine o’clock every day of half-term!

  133. Ben Thompson

    Fantastic prize! Good luck guys!

  134. Hannah white

    I would love to try these wines xx

  135. Katrina Ferguson-moffat

    A nice range of wines that I’d love to try!

  136. I would love to try this wonderful selection of wines. Great for a summer BBQ with friends x

  137. Lian Pizzey

    Several new wines to try. What is not to like. Fingers crossed here.

  138. Mike BATHO

    Wine me!

  139. Rebecca Gregory

    Great way to try some new wines. Fingers crossed for the win 🤞🏻

  140. Dawn Turpin

    I’m new to wine – not drinking it of course but appreciating it.! Your book and a virtual wine club has helped me through lockdown and developed my appreciation of red. Would love to win, add to my journal of wine notes and hopefully find some I would buy again.

  141. A lovely selection of wines, and interesting reviews. I would love to win these and share with my mum.

  142. Absolutely would love to win win(e) as a special treat and enjoy the experience of new tastes. Have visited the Barossa Valley in Australia and had my first wine tastings there and loved it. What a joy to revisit that experience yet once again

  143. Marios Kyprianou

    Always love your recommendations on here and Saturday Kitchen! Looking forward to giving some of these a try and maybe bagging a freebie at the same time 🙂

  144. Nick Jones

    Paper bottles? whatever next!

  145. Richard Saunders

    Fantastic – Id love to try them out

  146. Abigail Ford

    In the words of Roger the alien “I like wine”

  147. These all sound delicious – I would love to try the Cereza.

  148. I am knackered, please send wine x

  149. My birthday is on bank holiday Monday, this will be my second birthday spent in the garden with the family, we’re protecting a clinically vulnerable child so not much chance of a night out….wine would certainly help!

  150. sue mcdermott

    Loving the sound of Costadune Zibibbo Secco, perfect for a lazy afternoon in the garden

  151. Alan Bevan

    Some great wines in this prize. Fingers crossed

  152. These wines all sound incredible – would love to win.

  153. Kerry Horsburgh

    Life is speeding up again so these lovely wines would be ideal to relax!

  154. Victoria Bazley

    The Cereza Cara Sucia Durigutti 2019 sounds really intriguing. Would love to try that.

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