There is a dance routine that I have perfected over the years. It is set to Queen’s ‘Fat Bottomed Girls’ and is performed in the kitchen at times of extreme stress or emotion to my favourite audience: my three children. The five year old laughs like a madman, the two year old looks bemused but laughs all the same and the 9-month old baby throws her head back and gurns (I think this means she likes it). However, I’m not sure that I should have performed this same dance routine at our Office Christmas Party last Friday night. The audience did gurn though. I think they liked it.

A few general Christmas food & wine recommendations that I thought might be helpful:

Bucks Fizz
Don’t bother. Unless you have bought a particularly nasty Champagne. Better to buy a decent fizz instead: Tesco Premier Cru is still an absolute winner.

Wine with Turkey
A fuller-bodied, not too-oaky Chardonnay is a good match, such as White Burgundy. But if your plate is loaded with the stronger flavours of bacon and stuffing you’re better off with a medium-bodied red, like Pinot Noir from Burgundy. Or from New Zealand if you’re not quite as flush.

Happy Christmas x

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  1. I think you really should include a video clip with this post!
    Had a champagne/sparkling wine tasting in work last night. Unfortunately my usual fave 'The Widow' showed poorly so I'd be interested in the Tesco offering.
    As for Chard and Pinot, no comment.
    A very, merry English Christmas to you and your family from a pathetically homesick Vinogirl 🙂

  2. Oh you poor thing, don't be homesick, it's absolutely freezing here if that makes you feel any better. Dying to know what you'd put with turkey…Happy Christmas x

  3. Completely agree about the buck's fizz – can't see the point. We had Gigondas with our turkey but it was wasted on the inlaws. Won't have a word said against good Burgundy of either colour but wish I was richer so I could afford it more regularly! Best wishes for a great new year from another knackered mother.

  4. Gigondas & turkey sounds good…we're having Cairanne 2003 with 24-hour aromatic roasted shoulder of pork tonight. Hoping it will work! Lovely to hear from another knackered mother/wine lover, wishing you a very happy new year too x

  5. Thank you for the kind comments…I survived with a quick Skype with a snowy Liverpool.
    Didn't have turkey, had pork…with it we drank bubbles, Pinot noir, Sauvignon blanc and a friend's Syrah (actually the Pinot was a friends too.)

  6. Oh, and Happy New Year.
    Keep blogging!

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