Drinks Party

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve done drinks with Luke Evans, WineTime with Kat (and a church full of brilliant women!) and sung carols with Cliff Richard. Honestly, I couldn’t feel more Christmassy if I rolled myself in glitter. However, I haven’t done anything to make me feel even remotely organised on the home …

Christmas Drinks

I’m definitely feeling festive and that’s not just the trifle-flavoured cream liqueur talking. The tree is up, mince pies have been made (and eaten in front of The Holiday) and I’ve even managed to buy a few presents, albeit online and maybe a little wine-fluenced. Anyway, some of you have been asking for fizz recommendations …

Boiling Point

And so finally – finally! – my kids have broken up for the summer holidays. After what felt like weeks of end of term celebrations, we headed to the beach after their last day. The kids all jumped into the sea in their uniforms as parents watched on, mainlining crisps and a glass of rosé. …

Christmas Spirits

Right, cocktails. Below are a few suitably festive favourites from Homemade Cocktails (my new book, just in case you’re here by accident/for the first time). But first, an idea for a last minute present. Homemade Cranberry & Orange Gin Get an empty 500ml bottle, fill it with 100g of fresh cranberries (prick them with a …

Party Time

You know that thing I mentioned last week but couldn’t tell you about? I’ve been asked to be one of the judges for the 2019 Fortnum & Mason Food & Drink Awards. I won the Online Drinks Writer Award in their inaugural year back in 2013 and, ohmigod, the party was one of the most celebrity-strewn …

Merry Christmas!

So, here we are. As promised, there’s a bumper selection of suitably christmassy wines this week including the bargain champagne featured on last week’s This Morning. Yes, I did ACTUAL This Morning on the telly on Friday! A festive fizz tasting on ice with skating polar bears in the background. The clip’s on the KMWC …

Valentine Wines

Not that we really need an excuse to open a bottle of something pink and sparkly but at least on Valentine’s Day we don’t even have to make one up. Very quickly, what makes wine pink? Answer: the skins of the grapes. You can’t make rose from white grapes; but add red grapes into the …

Round Robin

Last night, having just finished setting up for a KMWC wine tasting, a robin appeared and perched on the edge of the ice bucket. Look at the picture above! Could not have been more Christmassy. Anyway, having spent much of last week talking about not drinking on various radio shows to coincide with the launch of …

Holiday Essentials

Last weekend went by in a haze of lamb, rioja and gold Lindt bunnies. Now we’re well into the school holidays and I’m mostly running on leftover eggs (chocolate, not chicken). That and wine, obviously. Talking of which, I’ve gone for more wine recommendations than usual this week given the circumstances. You know, just in case the chocolate runs out.

Thanks a Bunch

So, Mother’s Day on Sunday. Already looking forward to my cup of tea in bed, cards and a few hastily freshly picked daffodils from the garden. But given that I plan to be on the sofa, glass in hand whilst someone else does the washing up, I want something really lovely in my glass. So this week’s wines are freshly …

Fine Lines

Last Saturday, I was front page news. Well, sort of. My face was on the front of the paper – in Spain. Here, I was slightly less in-your-face, tucked inside with a feature on, er, my face. Specifically, the effect a wine-free month had on my skin, along with some rather hideous close-ups of it pre- and post-January. …

Dive In

I’m sure there’ll be a year when all the presents are wrapped and the food prepped ahead of time. Just not this one. But before we part company for a bit, here are some of the wines featured in a list I put together for The Pool, a brilliant website stuffed with great articles and the …

Wine, Women & Song

The Scummy Mummies perform their song – for us! I’ve got all three for you this week. First up, listen to this podcast by the Scummy Mummies. Recorded at Camp Bestival last month, we talk about wine, stalking Cheryl and play Celebrity Wines (clue: Cava Delevigne was one of the answers). At the end of …

(Psst) Artist

Well, that was fun. My Camp Bestival highlights included the wine tasting I did for 50 fellow knackered mothers on Saturday evening; seeing the children race around the Kids’ Garden in their circus outfits (one elephant, two human cannonballs and a clown); and sitting outside our tent in the evening sun sipping bag in box …

And the winner is…

She’s laughing, not sneezing. I hope.  Er, not me. I know! It was the Fortnum & Mason Awards last night and my book made it to the shortlist of three for best Drinks Book. But I was beaten by a (very good, apparently) cider book (this one here and see all the results here). The party, like ohmigod the …

Table Talk

Bought from a junk shop in Cornwall years ago, this old dairy farm table has stayed with us through five house moves (I’m. Never. Moving. Again). And has seen countless children’s teas, dinners and Sunday lunches, not to mention the hours clocked up when covered with Airfix models on rainy Saturday afternoons. Then there’s the …

Forty Festive Wines

The following exhaustive (and exhausting) list of wines appeared in Saturday’s Daily Mail, here’s a link if you want pictures of the bottles too. There’s 10 whites, 10 reds, 10 sparkling and 10 pudding/after dinner drinks. And this gorgeous picture was taken by the very lovely Juliette Neel. Sadly, it wasn’t used in the piece but …

Roller Coaster

n. roller coaster a situation in which there are many big and sudden changes You know how I was going on about pootling last week? Well, scrap that. Pootling is off. Temporarily, anyway, due to a couple of unforeseens. Youngest Girl hasn’t got a place at the same school as her two older brothers. That …

Poor Elf

I’m sick. Sore throat, shivers. Don’t want wine (so, quite serious). But that’s not stopped me sorting out wines for next week. First though, my Christmas List: 1. A new pair of bed socks 2. A Miller Harris scented candle (Geranium Bourbon, to be precise) A great improvement on a wheelbarrow and a new roasting …

I won a prize!

Last week, at the International Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC) annual banquet at the Guildhall, I was named Blogger of the Year* along with the properly brilliant Jamie Goode from wineanorak.com. It was quite the do, and I would share the official photo with you but my lipstick was a horrible colour and my arm …

Wine, natch.

Make-up wise I favour the natural look, but nowadays this requires a certain degree of pre-planning. Sadly, I can’t seem to carry off the salt ‘n’ pepper look as well as Clooney so have a bit of help with my hair colour. And when out in public with real grown ups in attendance I turn to …

English Sparkling Wine: no longer the apprentice?

After watching last week’s episode of The Apprentice, I couldn’t help feeling that English Sparkling Wine had been put in a horrible dress and made to look silly. In fact, the good stuff is really good nowadays. We’ve got vineyards on the South Downs that share a similar climate and soil profile to the Champagne …

Hot Potato

I love a good acronym as much as the next person, particularly when they can be used as mnemonic devices (my music teacher taught me Every Good Boy Deserves Fun. Aware that sounds bad). Anyway, my new favourite? Person Over Thirty Acting Twenty One. Yes, the P.O.T.A.T.O. Actually I’m nearly forty but P.N.F.A.T.O. doesn’t work …

Lovely Bubbly

I know that advice is only appreciated if you ask for it in the first place. Take being pregnant, for example. A largely – literally – good experience bar the unsolicited advice thrown at you from the moment your up-the-duffness becomes public knowledge. But advice is usually given with your best interests at heart and …

Wedding Belles

I am very excited about Friday for a number of reasons. We’ll be in our new house having moved the day before AND we have a Royal Wedding to watch. Best of all, my darling sister is coming over from Brussels for a few days just so she can watch it on TV with me …

Round Robins

I’ve always dismissed the Christmas round robin letter idea. Even worse, an e-Christmas card. But this evening I found myself replying via email to a group of old friends who are now placed all over the world and realised that summing up all the important news in one’s life is actually a very good exercise. Here’s mine: Eldest …

Too much perspective?

I was talking to a friend last week about how the loss of someone you love puts everything in perspective. We were driving along a forest road, the snow blanket still tucked neatly over the landscape. The silence that followed our pondering was loaded. Up until the point when she said: “a bit like that guy in Spinal Tap.” Me: huh? …

Like a jumper in a washing machine…

It’s eldest son’s school Annual Ball for parents on Saturday night and I am looking forward to it and dreading it in equal measure. The pros include meeting up with good friends for stiff drinks before we go and, later, being able to dance to live music then disco whilst slightly under the influence. I love dancing; proper hands in …

Party pooped…

A few days ago, a friend and I talked about how much we were loving the holidays: everyone at home, no school runs, even relative lie-ins thanks to later-than-usual bedtimes for the children. The holidays are too short! I said. I wish we had another week of this! I said. I must have been tipsy, or showing off. Probably both. Truth is, I am …

Dancing Queen

There is a dance routine that I have perfected over the years. It is set to Queen’s ‘Fat Bottomed Girls’ and is performed in the kitchen at times of extreme stress or emotion to my favourite audience: my three children. The five year old laughs like a madman, the two year old looks bemused but laughs all the same …

Cheap Champers

I read something that made me laugh out loud on a heavenly family-of-five-in-a-small-confined-space car journey last weekend. Apparently someone once said that one of the foremost over-rated things in life is cheap Champagne. Along with lobster, picnics and anal sex. Although, as a friend (the one for whom we made the long car journey) pointed …