It’s Here!

I have news! My new book, This Changes Everything, is being published a few days early so if you’ve pre-ordered an e-book it will ping onto your device TODAY! I know! As promised I’ve got some suggested wines to drink when you’re reading it and next Tuesday (9th February) I’ll be doing a live wine tasting …

Cover Story

It’s not out yet (due for launch February 2013) but here it is. My book cover. I’ll do wine recommendations tomorrow. For now, I’ll just stare at this a wee bit longer.

KMWC Book Needs You!

I posted about wine speak a while ago, specifically about how much of it sounds too flowery, some of it just downright ridiculous. Which got me thinking: I’d like to include your tasting notes in the KMWC book. I’ll pick a couple of wines a month for you to try (once I’ve tasted them, obviously), something delicious …