Baby Pink

Last Saturday was National Rosé Day but given the recent news on lockdown restrictions I’m thinking we just extend it. At least until the 19th July, anyway. So this week I’ve got a couple of rosé suggestions including one from Kent given that English Wine Week kicks off this Saturday. Here’s hoping the weather holds, …

Search Party

Lots of you have been kind enough to tell me that you find the new wine search function on the website useful (‘THIS WILL CHANGE MY LIFE’, said one, brilliantly). Then, this morning, a friend showed me how she’s downloaded the Search Wine bit to her phone home screen, taking her straight to the wine reviews when she’s …

Rose Tinted Glasses

We’re back from our half term trip to Scotland. And I must say, the views were amazing. Especially this one. Current rose in the fridge: Guillerault Fargette Sancerre Rose 2012, £21.99, Costco Look closely at the bottle. It’s a magnum, A MAGNUM, of rose. From Sancerre, from a really great producer (I used to buy …