Would you buy wine from this woman?

I’ve been blogging away for the last few years, recommending a couple of wines every week, whatever I happen to be drinking that I think you might like too. I’m now wondering whether you might want to buy wine from the site. You tell me what you want and I’ll source it exclusively for the KMWC. Tried and tested for the tired and tested, if you like. If so, would you want to buy the odd bottle or stock up on fridge-door whites and on-the-side reds by the case, delivered to home? If you do have a view, please let me know, either here or by email. By way of thanks for your time and trouble I’ll put names in a hat and send a case of wine to whoever’s name my children pick out.

Current white in the fridge: Domaine Naudet 2009 Sancerre, £12.99, Waitrose
I rarely spend quite this much on a bottle of wine, unless I am in a restaurant obviously. Even then, I’ll ask about the provenance of the house wine before venturing further down the list. Anyway, this thirteen-pounder was bought by a friend who came over for dinner last week. I think she might have panic-bought in Waitrose, thinking if I get it from the wooden racks, it has got to be good. And indeed it is. I’m just sorry I didn’t open it when she was here. No really, I am. Made from the Sauvignon Blanc grape and grown in the Sancerre region in France, this is elegant, uptight but so lime-fruit intense it is worth it. I drank this with nothing but music for company. It sang. 

Current red on the side:  Gran Fabrica 2001, £5 currently at half price, Tesco
Just to bang on for a bit, if you spend £4 on a bottle if wine, more than half of that £4 goes to pay duty and tax. Once you’ve added packaging, shipping and a retail mark-up into the mix, there’s not much left to pay for the stuff you are actually drinking. If, however, you spend £5 on a bottle of wine, you are spending the same amount on duty, tax, shipping and packaging (roughly) so you get much better value for money on what you’re putting in your glass. Go to £10 and you’re laughing. Some half price wine deals don’t deliver on the promise but this one does. And in Tempranillo-laden spades. More brooding than Marlon on that motorbike. This one does need food, something spicy and/or meaty.   

Chin chin x

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  1. Coals to Newcastle…possibly?
    Love your review of the Sancerre 🙂

  2. Genius! I'd love that…. Maybe a case of your top 12 winter wines for Christmas? The options are endless …

  3. Vinogirl – I know, slight feeling of pissing in wind but then again….thanks for honest feedback.

    Anonymous – I know who you are! Your name is in the hat….

  4. Interesting idea, clearly there are a few companies providing this sort of service, but getting something with is more personal where we could share our own opinions could be fun. I'm thinking a case or half case every other month would be a good setup.

  5. I'm a bit of a wine tart I guess; supermarket here, local wine merchant there, odd case from Laithwaites and recently discovered Naked Wines. Definitely like the idea of doing something more personal every now and then, and learning a bit more about the wines, sharing opinions etc.

  6. I think I would – but then, I doubt you'd deliver to New York, would you 😉 ?

  7. Tipster – thanking you, very helpful.

    Julie B – you? A tart? Never. Yes, I like the sharing/learning aspect too. Sometimes I just want to drink the stuff, though…

    NVG – I shall just have to come a do a reccy, non?

  8. I'm in. Great idea. Thing is, I think I trust you more than the Sunday Times wine club et al, which is why it would work. Would have to be similar pricing though, I think.

  9. A great idea – would take the stress out of trying to keep my wine rack stocked with stuff I won't open and dislike

  10. I think it's a fantastic idea, especially given that you tend to focus on "value wines" which most people prefer in these economic times.

    I'd order, if I weren't on the wrong side of the pond.

  11. Claire – thanks so much, and wow! Eat that, STWC!

    Muddling – fab, de-stressing v.v. important…

    ADoC – yes, good value is an absolute must. Thanks for comment..

  12. Not sure if you want to ship to Oakland CA, USA… I would love some of those various supermarket numbers that I've never heard of – you make them sound enticing. Don't send me Californians though – I don't rate many of the whites. I have forwarded your link onto many around here though – you are a refreshing voice in the fields….

  13. I'm in! But you knew that didn't you?? x

  14. ALW – thank you, lovely kind words!

    Mrs Russell – I did indeed know that. Thank you, love…x

  15. what a fantastic great idea – would love to know more about wine and then I could shock the OH!!


  16. I love to pop by to your recent blog and often view past blogs for wine ideas. You would be happy to know that I have used a few of your suggestions and even keep a note file on the old Blackberry of your recommendations! It is usually for a gift or if we are having a drinks party but you always seem to give good ideas. Thanks.

  17. I am in and i think its a great idea!

  18. BNM – thank you…and yes, knowledge is power!

    MH – hello, love…thank you for kind words You keep a note file? Wow, I'm thrilled! x

    Au Pair UK – name is in the hat, thank you..

  19. Hi… that was great stuff.. I really like reading on this subject Could you tell me more on that… I love to explore

    Buy Wine

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