The Incredible Bulk

The five year old has a pair of enormous green Incredible Hulk hands. A Christmas present, rather than his actual hands, obviously. Anyway, you wear the Hulk hands over your real hands and then bash things, whereupon a voice from the glove shouts: “Don’t make me angry, you won’t like me when I’m angry!” The two year old has taken to copying this cry but with his own brilliant interpretation: “Don’t make me hungry….you won’t like me when I’m hungry!”

How I wish we’d had these gloves in the house when I was last pregnant. Having said that, breaking into the wrapping on the dark chocolate would have been a bitch. 

This week’s white in the fridge:
Saveur Veritables Viognier, Maurel Vedeau 2008, £5/bottle,
Viognier. Ah, Viognier. Peachy, round and often misunderstood. It’s the Joan Holloway of grapes (and for non-Mad Men watchers, I love Joan). This Southern French take on Viognier is actually more subtle than the often-high-in-alcohol versions from the New World but with gorgeous textured white peach and grapefruit flavours. Drink in abundance. Or in a bun dance. That might liven it up. 

Current red on the side:
The Big Kahuna Red, £4.99, Tesco
We seem to have become a bit bored with Australian wine. It has been around a while. Sometimes they can all taste the same. Blah blah blah. Hang on a minute! They usually taste GOOD. That is not the same as tasting samey. Maybe it is because drinking Australian wine is not the same as the russian roulette experience of drinking – say – French wine (one bottle great, the next an expensive mistake) that has led to the apathy. Whatevah. This is juicy stuff, full of redcuurant fruits and sweetly balanced. 
Lovin’ it x

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  1. I can often be overheard whinging, "I'm Viognier thirsty, you won't like me when I am Viognier thirsty". It's a great varietal, who in good conscience would deny me a glass or two?
    Great post by the way!

  2. Thank you! Glad you like xx

  3. Love this blog idea! Bit tricky to open the wine with the hulk hands on too I would imagine! Will check out your recommendations.

  4. Ooh, hello! Just been across to your blog, right back atcha. Thank you for lovely comment x

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