In a recent article, Allison Pearson gave her answer to that perennial question: can you really have it all? She said no. But, she went on, you can have quite a bit of it if you get yourself good childcare, flexible working, excellent headphones, a 15-year supply of Sauvignon Blanc and a helpful, supportive husband. I agree with much of that, apart from the fact that I could not survive on Sauvignon Blanc alone. With thousands of grape varieties out there to try from all over the place, sticking with one is like only eating Dairy Milk. Which leads me to my next point; she forgot chocolate. Luckily, I have got both wine and chocolate to give away, thanks to Laithwaites and Hotel Chocolat. Namely, three advent calendars and three Celebration Trio wine boxes (red, white and fizz) worth £32 each with an extra chocolate-friendly wine called The Chocolatier Shiraz (usually £8.99) thrown in for good measure.

Now, this isn’t a review because I’ve not tried the chocolate or the wines. For once, you’ll have to tell me what they are like. But first, you’ve got to be in it to win it. And to do that, all you have to do is leave a comment telling me how fabulous and funny I am so I know to put your name in a hat. Then I’ll ask Granny to pick three names out on Monday next week so we can get the prizes to you pronto. (You might have to do a few days catch up on the advent calendar). Each winner will receive a calendar and four bottles of wine.

Usual wine recommendations back next week. Until then, pictures of the FREE WINE and FREE CHOCOLATE. Good luck!

1. No cheating, bribing or general OTT flattering of competition organiser. Actually, last one might work. Joking. Usual T&Cs apply. 
2. Organiser will try not to eat or drink prizes before the competition closes on 3/12/12 at 12pm
3. The prize draw is open to any UK resident over the age of 18. 
With huge thanks to Laithwaites (looking at you, Donna) and Hotel Chocolat for their kind prize donations. And there’s more free chocolate over at Plan B’s, btw. 

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  1. Drool. Make it a small hat. Pretty please. Jayne

  2. But you are fabulous and funny?? Enjoy tomorrow – Villa Olivi xxx

  3. Yummo! Loving your blog! Cecilia

  4. Granny is a fine and wonderful human being, and I'm not saying that just because she is picking the winner ;o)

  5. Well, I'm assuming that it's not available to be shipped over to the USA but – I would love to win it for my mummy in England. And then I wouldn't have to buy her a Xmas present. No – I didn't really say that did I?

  6. Free wine and chocolate. Not sure I'll need anything else for an evening in.

  7. Ohhh yes please… Fitting the knackered Mum description right now… x

  8. Wow how fantastic! Btw, a close friend insisted I follow your blog, not only have you introduced wine I wouldn't generally have touched (and found to love), you make me laugh too. What a winning combination! Jess

  9. Love the blog. Love the reccomendations.

  10. Oooh I'd love to win an advent calendar – haven't had one for me since the kids rocked up… Or wine… Well maybe That's not strictly true!

  11. I like that wine comes before the husband in that list. Just the way it should be 😉
    Lovely prize… I have my fingers crossed

  12. My two very favourite things in the whole wide world, wine and chocolate. I could handle anything Christmas decides to throw at me with that, happy Christmas to you too xx

  13. Hurrah for free booze. Pick me! I think your books is the perfect xmas pressie for some knackered mothers I know (and I might even buy one for myself)!

  14. Mention freebies, and we're all here like a shot. I'm in…and have been hoping to see you to say congrats on all the great things that are happening for you right now. The stars are aligning (not to mention all of your knackering hard work).

  15. *pushes everyone else aside* free wine and chocolate, me me me.

  16. You ARE fabulous and funny. You are also beautiful, talented, and, um, a lady. (Am running out of compliments… There's the danger this could turn into a Flight of the Conchords*-esque song) Mind you, I don't really need either wine or choc, as house is AWASH with both. Thank God for online supermarket shopping or we'd all be eating teabags for dinner.
    (*If you haven't discovered Flight of the Conchords, go to amazon and buy their first dvd. Funniest thing you'll ever see. THo not as funny – or fabulous – as you, natch)

  17. A woman, yes. A lady? Hmmm. RL have you met KM?

  18. Oh please choose me *crosses fingers*

  19. I peep at my inbox and see the header, in capitals, FREE WINE AND CHOCOLATES. I've never clicked an email so fast! Count me in please!

  20. OK – I know that OFFICIALLY I'm not a UK resident, but I do have a forwarding address and I will be in Blighty for 3 weeks over Christmas and it IS home and I WILL be moving back there (someday) and I do love chocolate and of course wine and please please please can I be entered?

    Plus, I give good cake. That goes well with wine.

  21. Dr Uncle Bunny

    The Hotel Chocolat Advent Calendars are fabulous. Last year we had the Tuffles for Two. Surely the most "caring, sharing, blissful countdown to Christmas" that one can enjoy with a coffee and better half each morning. My favourite? The gingerbread truffle! We've already got ours for this year….

  22. Ooooh good chocolate and wine given free
    this for sure gets the thumbs up from me,
    as with Christmas a comin' and my tummy a rumblin',
    what better to go under our tree!

    My lucky kids have now been given 3 Advent calenders each, so once again the ones I bought them back in Sept will be sent out to other children – as happens every year!..However we haven't got a chocolate one.. and I LOVE CHOCOLATE! I'd better not let the children know though…

  23. Yes please chocolate and wine – how lovely

  24. Wow what a fab giveaway, please put my name in the hat 🙂


  25. Chocolate, gooood. Wine, gooood. Laughter, gooood. Could it BE any better?

  26. Ooooh yes please, we are exceedingly partial to free 'anything', do you have any free biscuits too – we could write some poems about them x

  27. Always up for free wine and chocolate! And the kids already have their advent calenders but in this house the grownups have none :(.

    Like your comment about not being able to survive on Sauvignon Blanc alone . . . the pendulum has definitely swung from Chardonnay to Sauvignon – I do wish people would get a bit more adventurous once in a while! Personally I think it's laziness . . .

  28. Annie in Kent

    All of a sudden the comments have multiplied-are all your readers tarts for chocolate and wine I wonder-I certainly am! Congratulations on your prize too.
    Ever hopeful-Annie

  29. Well I suppose it depends what kind of hat it is… I'm a style officionado, don't you know, so as long as it's a good-looking stylish kind of hat okay then. No sweaty beanies or ageing bobble hats please x

  30. Something to help me along until I retire!

  31. Well I'd love a chocolate advent calendar as I'm always jealous of the kids' ones. And I honestly do love your blog too, it's great.

  32. Congratulations on your Red Mag award. Well deserved as you are providing a valuable service to fellow wino's who maybe don't have the time to trawl the shelves just need to dive into a smashing bottle as soon as they get home from work. Or is that just me?

    Well done
    Angela Traynor

  33. Amazing what free chocolate/wine can do!

  34. I'd love to enter. I think you write really well, and I've followed a number of your recommendations very successfully (Malbec, most recently, thank you!) and enjoy your posts. Keep up the good work!

  35. This is a great giveaway. Chocolate and wine always great together.

  36. Yes please..!!


    BM x

  37. Well you are fabulous and funny.. and so am I when i repeat all that i have read of your blog to my wine-snob uncle as I pour the wine that you recommend to him at Sunday lunch. I'm really looking forward to serving the Tesco champagne to him at Christmas

  38. Doing my bit for the Dad's

  39. How fab! Chocolate and Wine – the perfect combination. Particularly interested by the Chocolate Shiraz. I tried some Rubis Chocolate wine – which I thought was lovely, particularly served from the fridge in summer. Nice taste of chocolate, but with a touch of port round the edge. I hope it's a small hat….

  40. I is so up for this *flix fingers*

  41. Jack & Jill Tar

    She's laid up for winter now and the saltier other arf says you got chocs and wine for the Tars. We'd love to enter your competition – there's a chill northerly blowin' for good luck!

  42. Can we enter the compeition please?

  43. i live in belgium and i'm under 18…… fingers crossed you'll bend the rules for your little sis x

  44. Count me in, please.
    And you & Granny are both delightful, charming, wonderful ladies who will see thro others silly compliments and give the wine & chicks to me!!!

    A tired gal Louise

  45. You can happily keep the chocolates if I win, but the wine is MINE!

  46. Aww…no free international shipping 🙁
    Then perhaps I can enter for my brother on Merseyside…

  47. I didn't buy an advent calendar for myself, only the kids…please save me from myself and eternal damnation.

    p.s. need the wine to aid with Christmas present wrapping and coaching my 3 & 5 year old to write their cards 🙂

  48. Yeah, that's a better title…

    Pick me?

  49. Hi there.count me in please, sounds like my kind of prize.
    Jackie Owen x

  50. Hi there.count me in please, sounds like my kind of prize.
    Jackie Owen x

  51. Hi there.count me in please, sounds like my kind of prize.
    Jackie Owen x

  52. The draw has been done. Granny did the honours, will be posting results later on…

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