Half (Term) Measures

Like many of you I’m sure, this week mostly involves getting through half-term week without shouting too much or spending too much (£60 for us all to go and see The Lego Movie and that was before we got past the pick ‘n’ mix). Then there’s the work thing: the people on the other end of today’s Skype call must have thought that I actually live in a zoo. But what I especially love about it is the week-long ritual of breakfast in pyjamas and homework-free evenings. No Biff & Chip’s. Plenty of actual chips, though.

Current white in the fridge: Les Rafelières Sauvignon Blanc 2012, £8.25, Private Cellar
This was sent to me by a lady called Laura from Private Cellar, an online wine company. I get lots of requests to try wine from online companies and I usually pass in favour of wines that I’ve bought myself. But this particular company stands out for good reason. It’s run by five knackered mothers (and two knackered fathers). And of the 100 or so wines on their list, about a third are under £12.50 and 18 are under £10. That’s still a fair whack to spend on a bottle of wine but the ones I’ve tasted have been really good. This particular one from the Loire Valley is so pure and lemon fresh as to make half term seem positively desirable. 

Current red on the side: Seifried Estate Nelson Pinot Noir 2011, £9.99, M&S
This is the Maria Callas of the grape family; it won’t perform just anywhere. It needs the right conditions – soil, climate, TLC in the vineyard – to flourish. In this case, we’re talking a two hour drive from the Marlborough region in New Zealand’s South Island, so location-wise, Nelson’s good for wine. Happily, this Pinot sings beautifully here. Light in colour but not in flavour, with redcurrant fruit and a trace of smoke. Enviously supple, too. Opened on Sunday and I’m sipping the last of it now. Half-term measures, as it were. 

Peace out, winos x

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  1. I feel your half term pain – WHY IS IT SO WET OUTSIDE?! Anyhoo wine sounds like a positive approach to it all 😉 xx

  2. We've also done the Lego Movie ("awesome!") and enjoyed the homework-free evenings. But thank goodness for sports camp…..

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