Real Life

It’s the Easter Holidays! Or as I like to call it, that time when I spend the mornings trying to get my teenagers out of bed, the afternoon driving them around and any time in between checking they haven’t discovered this year’s hiding place for the Easter eggs. Actually, I posted a picture of a …

Holiday Booking

Well, it’s been fun. Relative lie-ins, impromptu picnics on the beach, slightly too much pizza. Even losing half of our luggage on the flight back from our holiday didn’t dampen my spirits, not least because it halved the amount of post-holiday washing. But it hasn’t all been secs and rugs and sausage rolls (I know, …

Fall In

Well, wasn’t that fun? Six weeks filled with sun and fun. Apart from the bits when it p*ssed with rain (quite a lot) and we all drove each other mad (quite a lot). But now it’s all over and the children are back at school. For the first time in months the house is quiet. An …

Wine Down

So, we’ve done Sports Day. Now we’ve just got the School Fete (cue calls for homemade cakes) and a School Play (cue more calls for homemade cakes) to go. As you may know, I sometimes resort to the fake bake at this stage. But one thing I can do is Teachers’ Presents. Now, some of …

Cover Up

Look! It’s the new cover for the KMWC paperback, out next month. I’m rather hoping you’ve bought a copy by now *looks you all in the eye* but if you need a present for a friend for under a tenner? Voila. Also, I’m back on The Alan Titchmarsh Show every Friday from tomorrow and, it …