On the case

With just a couple of weeks left until Christmas it’s time to stock up the wine racks and as ever I’ve got a couple of mixed cases for you, lovingly put together with the team from my beloved local independent wine shop The Solent Cellar. One’s a bit smarter than the other; both have been …

Feeling Flush

I posted a picture of a wine over on my Instagram page yesterday, a gorgeous Melon de Bourgogne/Chardonnay blend I’d recommended to a friend. She’d asked for a slightly lighter alternative to her usual favourite (white Burgundy) because, well, menopause. Within minutes the comments starting coming in so I thought I’d do a proper post …

Glass Half Full

So, things are bonkers but – thank goodness – we have wine. Supermarket shelves might be looking a little depleted in places but there are plenty of brilliant independent wine merchants still delivering (check out this list if you’re looking for one). Some are offering great deals including discounts for NHS staff and pledging to …

Top Up

First things first: sending love to you and yours. Uncertain times but one thing I can do here is provide free wine advice on tap. Not as good as providing actual free wine on tap. Still, I’ve doubled up on the wine recommendations this week. All are available for home delivery and one’s from one …

Christmas Drinks

I’m definitely feeling festive and that’s not just the trifle-flavoured cream liqueur talking. The tree is up, mince pies have been made (and eaten in front of The Holiday) and I’ve even managed to buy a few presents, albeit online and maybe a little wine-fluenced. Anyway, some of you have been asking for fizz recommendations …

Stocking Up

So that’s it, then. The John Lewis Christmas ad has gone live which means, basically, it’s Christmas. Now, I’m not usually in favour of going too early when it comes to embracing the festive season. Our halls won’t be decked with holly until December 1st. But from that date onwards it’ll be mince pies for …

Black Eyed (Peas)

It was my friend’s 40th on Saturday night and the theme was Caribbean. So I had a spray tan. The idea was to look slightly less knackered bronzed. As it turned out, I got caught on the eyebrow by an empty wine bottle being used as a microphone by a friend (old university habits die …