We’ve moved house. Again. Only this time, we moved into one that we own. After years of renting, we are now in a 1970’s bungalow with a peach-coloured bathroom, a green sitting room and cork floors throughout. Living Etc it ain’t but I love it more than any house we’ve ever lived in. In fact, it feels like home.

Current white in the fridge: Benjamin Darnault Picpoul de Pinet, 2009, £9.99, Naked Wines 
Book Club, meaning two more wines kindly supplied by Naked Wines for me to try with friends and get more than just my view on the wine. Our chosen book was The Grapes of Wrath by Steinbeck, which I didn’t finish. Instead, I took along my Royal Wedding copy of Hello! and shared my favourite outfit (Lady Sarah’s grey dress, simply gorgeous). Back to wine: this is made from the Picpoul grape grown in the Languedoc region in the South of France. The grape name translates as ‘lip-stinger’, a reference to its searing acidity but this one was rather more gentle. Refreshing, lemony, crisp and dry, in fact. A real people-pleaser of a wine. 

Current red on the side: Benjamin Darnault Organic Saint Chinian 2009, £12.99, Naked Wines
The one thing that seems to unite most organic wines is a truly terrible label. This one breaks with tradition, not a bunch of grapes in sight. Made from a blend of Grenache and Syrah grapes, the wine is fruity, forward – a touch rustic even – and typical of the juicy reds grown in and around the town of Saint Chinian in the South of France. Pricey (as is often the case with organic wines) but if you buy a case of wine from Naked as an Angel, it brings the price down considerably. The last time I bought a mixed case from here, the average price was about £5/bottle. 

Chin chin x

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  1. Congrats on the new house!

  2. I keep laughing at the fact that you didn't finish The Grapes of Wrath but took along Hello magazine. Class!
    Enjoy your new home: hope you'll have many happy years there x

  3. House sounds lovely, I hear cork floors are making a comeback in interior design circles so don't touch them! Wine sounds delish too.

  4. Sounds very retro! But I bet it's nice to be back somewhere familiar.
    Hello mag at Book Club is hilarious! I bet it went down really well.

  5. Interesting about organic wines not being zazzy in their presentation! Gap in the market there!

  6. ADoC – thanks, very happy to be in at last!

    Trish – thank you, it does feel very much like home already. And guess what? I've picked up TGOW again and am determined to finish it!

    Crumbs – oh, I do hope so. It feels strangely familiar having cork on the floor!

    NVG – funnily enough, the Hello! Mag is still at the hosts' house, it was a huge hit…

  7. Good luck in your new home…no bubbly to celebrate?

  8. I have been in my house for 12 years and am just getting round to having it my way. The painter recently asked if I wanted my pebble-dash painting! Don't think it was a euphemism.

  9. Yayyyy and cheers to your new house and home I'm sure you'll make it beautiful in no time at all.
    I have dreadful polystyrene cielings to sort out!

  10. Vinogirl – thanks, and yes, there has been some consumption of bubbly…

    Pam – oh good, that gives me hope!

    Mari – thanks, and eek to the polystyrene ceilings!

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