I’m sure it won’t surprise you to know that I’m not doing Sober October because a) life’s too short and b) life’s too short. But I saw a friend of mine who is doing it recently and man, their skin looked good. Given that I want to have my cake/glass and eat/drink it, I realised I had to up my skincare game. Then, suitably spookily, the skincare brand Balance Me got in touch asking if I’d like to try some of their products. Of course I said yes (whilst topping up my glass of red) and have been applying their Vitamin C Repair Serum, Wonder Eye Cream and Collagen Boost Moisturiser religiously ever since. Not to mention their Cleanse and Smooth Face Balm, far more effective than the one I’d been using at twice the price. Anyway, I was so impressed I asked if they might donate some to give away here and they agreed. £150 worth tailored to your individual skin needs! I know! 

To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment here on the blog or on the KMWC Facebook page and I’ll pick one at random. Usual T&Cs apply (UK residents only, must be over 18, competition closes on 2nd November at 11.59pm, winner will be notified by email).

Good luck!

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  1. The smell of Balance Me products is just perfect. Already you feel like they are doing you good!

  2. Marianne Chapman

    Those face products sound fab but the lemony gin sounds better!

  3. Gemma Whiteford

    Just the description of that gin has me drooling 😁

  4. I’m just imagining the Amalfi gin, which is absolutely gorgeous whilst trying all the new skin products! How fabulous 💖💖!

  5. Dawn Roberts

    The gin sounds amazing as do the skin care products

  6. Did someone say gin? Cin-cin, I’m in! 🍸

  7. Emma Nutland

    Ooh the gin sounds lovely! Already a fan of Cune – I am a wine specialist @ Waitrose and often recommend it.
    Definatly in need of the skin products here though! xx

  8. I’m about to enter my 60th year, I’m taking my family to the sun to celebrate this time next year and dont’ want to be the only wrinkly round the pool cocktail bar so I’m definitely in for the gin & skin care(s).

  9. Life is definitely too short, October has reminded me of that so need that gin to steady my nerves, the Cune to accompany comfort food and the skin care products to soothe my bloated, tear stained face. Sorry, self pitying comment.

  10. Gin or face? That’s a very hard decision! Inspired to try both face products and the Gin, based on your descriptions of both, but only have the pre Christmas cash for one of them. Gin or face????

  11. Gin based skincare products perhaps?….

  12. Thanks for the all the fabulous recommendations. My favourites – gin and red wine. Would love to win the Balance Me products too! x

  13. Gin for me – how lovely. Please, please, let me try Balance Me. Love the blog. x.

  14. Jackie Waghorn

    My face is looking so saggy today, I’m in urgent need of some Balance Me before I morph into a dachshund!

  15. Balance is what I am looking for! I feel like my skin has aged in dog years since my son arrived so every little helps…

  16. Where do I get the Balance Me products? They sound fab and just what my dehydrated skin needs! Although the gin could help me too 🤔 happy hibernation weekend everyone 😘

  17. Loving all these products! Booze and skincare – match made in heaven!!

  18. Sober October? I’m hanging on to my large glass of wine until the girls go back to school! Gin AND lush skincare products though sound like the perfect thing for a frazzled mumma trying to work at home whilst the children are on half term! Can you arrange a dark room and some nibbles too please? xxxx

  19. Julie Bennett

    October is my birthday month so it’s physically impossible for me to do sober October… On that note, I’ll have another gin and tonic please!

  20. Ooh I like a Cune
    (much nicer to enjoy when on holiday in Spain though)! 🇪🇸 🍷 ☀️

  21. Yes please on all counts!

  22. Would love to win this (and that gin sounds amazing!)

  23. Oh yes, baby. This other knackered mother needs some serious skin care to fill in the wrinkles… 😘

  24. Janet Readings

    Dry skin, dry gin, first needs help, second sounds great!

  25. I’m also busy supporting non-sober October, as I’d hate for any wine growers to go out of business due to my lack of wine drinking!
    Can’t wait to go and buy the Rioja to try this weekends

  26. Bobbie Goeden

    That gun sounds scrumptious.. Thank you☺ and yes, I definitely could use some help in the skin care department. Sign me up!

  27. Bobbie Goeden

    Ooops, auto correct strikes again. What I meant to say was GIN.

  28. Skincare sounds amazing! Perfect for post half term pick me up! X

  29. I’ve been wanting to try the Vit c serum. Definitely need a better skin routine to counter the wine consumption!

  30. Love Malfi gin but my husband says the lemon one tastes of lemsip and now I can’t drink it without thinking that! Pink grapefruit though 😍 Would love a skincare treat, just finished a horrendous half term!

  31. Rochelle Smulders

    Wrinkled peach is better than my current look which is more puckered passion fruit! Skincare miracles required 🙂

  32. Wow! I’ve never heard of Balance me but I like the sound of that and of the red wine!

  33. Reading your blog from South Africa where it’s a particularly hot and sunny spring. Enjoying the sun and wine and feeling healthy at the moment, but what will happen to me and my skin when I return to a cold and wet Scotland? I think you’ve answered this in three steps – a wee gin occasionally, some well-chosen red wine and Balance Me skincare. Sorted – thank you!

  34. Wow what a fabulous prize a gin and face tonic 😃🍾

  35. The Balance Me products sound fabidoo…as does the red!

  36. Davina Mellon

    I’ve always wanted to try Balance Me products and if it means I can have my wine & drink it too it’s a win win!

  37. Yes please to the lovely skincare products!

  38. Do I qualify in the U.S.? Or should I say the country formerly known as the U.S.? Yes, I could certainly use something to smooth onto my furled brows and the 5 lb. bags under my eyes that haven’t seen a dry day since November 8, 2016. Oh no, just read the fine print. I’m out.

  39. I’d love a skincare overhaul – not a mother, but I certainly do look knackered! That gin though. Mmmmm.

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