Sipping Point

Ten years ago to the day I decided to write a wine blog. I remember hitting publish on that first post, just a few sentences on how I planned to recommend a couple of wines each week in the hope it might help anyone looking for a little wine inspiration. With three kids under five …

Skin Deep

I’m sure it won’t surprise you to know that I’m not doing Sober October because a) life’s too short and b) life’s too short. But I saw a friend of mine who is doing it recently and man, their skin looked good. Given that I want to have my cake/glass and eat/drink it, I realised …

Bank On It

At last, it looks like sun is on the way. And this time it might just stay for more than about 20 minutes. When we were promised some sun a few weeks ago I duly threw on the St Tropez and went the colour of an old mahogany sideboard (my preferred shade). Sadly, the tan …

Autumn Feels

Oh, how I love this time of year. I’m back in jumpers. I’ve picked blackberries. I’m drinking red wine in front of the fire. Truly: my comfort zone. But I saw a quote on Instagram the other day (bear with me) and it said that outside of your comfort zone is where the magic happens. …

Snow Escape

I kicked off my rose season properly yesterday with a glass at midday accompanied by this view. I’m in Austria and plan to spend much of the rest of the week drinking more wine and eating melted cheese. But the mood is definitely Spring-like, despite being surrounded by snow. So I’ve added a suitably Spring-friendly wine review below (you can even …

Scummy Wines

This week sees the launch of the laugh-til-you-wee Scummy Mummies book, so to celebrate I thought we’d take a look at some suitably scummy wines. Written by Ellie Gibson and Helen Thorn, the book is a brilliant celebration of parenting failures, stuffed with hilarious confessions and top tips. For example, new parents! Save time by …


For my sister’s birthday, I ordered her the most fantastic sweatshirt from Selfish Mother’s (uh-mazing) website. It’s this one, grey with the word SISTA emblazoned across the front. Anyway, I sent it on to her, all wrapped up. But after about a week, she still hadn’t received it. Turns out, I’d sent it to her …

Como Toes

So, I went to Lake Como last week. I won’t go on about it (much) but SERIOUSLY. One of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. And we had a Very Famous Person on our flight out. I realised something was up when one of the air stewards practically exploded with excitement and mouthed to …

Cold Calling

You can’t buy happiness but you can buy wine and that’s kind of the same thing, or so the saying goes. But I’m not drinking wine this week: combination of a late night on Saturday (old friend’s wedding, too many cocktails) and the fact that I’ve now got a cold. Normally, I’d go with the …

Booby Trap

Last weekend, Youngest Girl was 5 years old. She had a little party at home with her friends from school, involving a game of Pass the Parcel, Musical Statues and an early Easter Egg Hunt in the garden. I decorated the house with bunting and the cake with a tub of Betty Crocker chocolate fudge …

Camping Wine

Look! KMWC at Camp Bestival! I’m so excited. You must ALL come. Details here.  Current white in the fridge: Tesco Finest Picpoul de Pinet 2012, £7.99, Tesco Earlier this evening, someone on Twitter asked me for an emergency wine recommendation. She needing something crisp and cool, and she needed it pronto. I suggested this, knowing …

Plane Truths

My 6yo boy’s favourite current pastime is writing secret agent-type notes, folding them into paper aeroplanes and pinging them round the door of the kitchen. They land softly at my feet and he scampers back up the stairs, shrieking with laughter. Recent notes include baddies are poo heads and  – my personal favourite – i love you big bum that …

The Napa/Nappy Valley Set

Last night we held a Knackered Mothers’ Wine Club tasting at a local restaurant (the amazing Graze) to raise a bit of cash for our local nursery. It was a heady mix: eight wines + inquisitive people up for trying different wines + company of friends both old and new. The result was delicious. Lots of laughter, slurping, a bit of spitting, far more …

Mum’s the word..

My mother is about to appear at the door with our supper. She doesn’t do this every night – that would make me lazy – but she lives a few doors down and her roast chicken always saves me whenever I’m husband-less and on the verge of morphing into a shouting nightmare. We’re going to …