Rueda Wine Giveaway!

Still feeling a little weird about them going back to school. Don’t get me wrong: I’m loving having a quiet house to myself. Thing is I seem to have forgotten how to apply myself when I’ve got the whole day to do it. Over the last six months it’s been a juggle/struggle to get stuff done but somehow it all worked out. Now, with no-one here during the day asking for food, lifts or where they left their shoes I’ve suddenly developed a strong desire to lie on the sofa and watch the entire first series of Selling Sunset in one go. Binge-watching aside, I do have a great giveaway for you this week. I remember the first time I tasted a wine from the Spanish region of Rueda and honestly, it was a revelation. Made from the Verdejo grape, it was a little bit like Sauvignon Blanc but a touch more floral and with something of the fennel seed about it. Turns out the Spanish have been drinking wine from Rueda for years (it’s Spain’s most popular white and properly food-friendly). Here, it’s been a little more under the radar but I’ve got a mixed case of gorgeous Rueda whites up for grabs. Read this week’s wine reviews to see which ones I selected for the case and to enter just leave a comment on the blog (or on KMWC Facebook page/Instagram) and a winner will be picked next week. So maybe I’ll just do one episode…

T&Cs: UK residents only. Must be over 18 years old to enter. Competition closes on 21st September 2020 at 11.59pm. The winner will be notified by email and the prize will be posted to the winner after that date. For more information on where to find stockists for Rueda wines visit or search #tasterueda

This post is sponsored by Taste Rueda

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  1. Love the fact your chosen wines are always affordable and easily accessible throughout the country. I attended a Portuguese wine tasting evening at The Bingham Richmond before lock down and its a much underestimated region with lots to offer.

  2. Jo Scattergood

    I couldn’t have said it better! This is exactly how I feel (I’ve finished selling sunsets btw) and after becoming 98% rosè myself over the summer, I’ve been looking for something to help us slide in autumn. Thanks for the tips!

  3. I do love a Verdejo and they seem to have more body than most Sauvignon Blancs. That said the blends of the two are nice. Amazing how Beronias investment in the region has really raised its profile.

  4. I do love a Verdejo and I love your description of how you can see yourself drinking it. I’m jealous!

  5. I’ve been in a Spanish wine black hole until during merry lockdown I’ve had the absolute delight of trying a whole range. Some properly delicious wines at all ends of the price ranges.
    Education is so important. You’d better send me the case so I can improve mine, especially now I’m no longer home schooling..

    • Leonie Cornelius

      LOVE verdejos from Rueda! After years of spending a lot of time in southern Spain, my catchphrase became “una copa de blanco de Rueda por favor”. I found the majority of standard whites on offer were either verging on sherry from the Jerez region or had similar oxidised characteristics – personally not a fan. Missing Spain like crazy at the mo … a familiar tipple would take me back there in my memories …
      Chin chin, hope you & your gang are well & I’m so happy our madres are looking out for each other xxx

  6. Never tried this but looking forward to some to celebrate kids being back at school.

  7. Susie Harrison

    It’s so funny, I was just telling my good friend how good Spanish whites from Rueda we’re on Saturday night! Love them. Found one in M&S, that they no longer stock, about 12yrs ago and have been enjoying ever since.

  8. Claire Marshall

    Spanish whites are my favourite and I’ve had a few Verdejo. Would love to win this! Claire x

  9. These wines sound lovely – I’d be delighted if I won this! In the meantime, I’m off to check out my local Waitrose 😄.

    • I love Spanish whites, Rueda Verdejo and Albariño 😋😋
      Listened to your scummymummy podcast today, loved it 😂…..need to get the new version of your book 📖

  10. Sounds like the perfect accompaniment to binge-watching, yes please 👌😁

  11. My favourite white! I’ll drink it anytime….😊❤

  12. Definitely one to try – looking forward to another tasting!

  13. My hubby tells me that ‘Rueda’ is also the Spanish word for ‘wheel’ and it strikes me that after reading your reviews above ‘we’ll’ be off to buy a few bottles and sip our way through them in the garden whilst the weather lasts! Thanks for the heads-up on these wines.

  14. Helen Horscroft

    The Rueda sounds lovely, I can’t wait to try it!

  15. Battling through sober September, who in their right mind would not be celebrating the return of kids to school with a glass of vino!!!! Crazily that would be me!!! Anyway would be lovely to have something new to try in October …… over half way there 🤣

  16. Christine Newton

    We used to spend six months of the year in Spain many years ago and having such good wine produced ‘ on the doorstep’ was a major attraction. Spanish whites are not widely known but Rueda is a favourite. One sip and I could be back there, so raise a glass and toast ‘Salut, Dinero y Amore!’ (Health, Wealth and Love)❤️❤️🥂🥂

  17. Veronica O'Sullivan

    Gosh! I would love some Spanish white to enjoy in the last of the sunshine before the winter sets in.

  18. I LOVE Rueda. It’s so under the radar. So refreshing in the late summer sun 🙂

  19. Audrey Traynor

    My brother has recently purchased a place in Spain and we were really hoping to have fab holidays to brush up on our Spanish wines this year using it as a base. Well that didn’t/won’t be happening. Have to make do with virtual tasting’s and hopefully a competition wine 🤞🍷 🇪🇸

  20. Never tried Rueda but will try and track some down.

  21. Janet Readings

    Not wines I know but sound delicious so winning a box would be great!

  22. Going on my list for this weeks shop! Enjoy the peace during the day.. hoping it lasts 🤞

  23. I’ve only just started to get into this wine, having always preferred rose or red. The Rueda sounds lovely and a good food wine by sounds of it. What could be better! 😉

  24. I love the Rueda wines and often drink them in Spain – as you say they are so good friendly. I never realised the grapes were picked at night! I shall look them out more in the Uk so thank you

  25. I entirely trust your judgement on this Helen and I’d love to try the Rueda.

  26. Ooh would love to try these wines. It’s not always possible to buy the wine in your reviews if they’re stocked in mainland England only ie Morrison’s, Waitrose etc so will have to search Rueda wines out here!

  27. Ginette Filson

    Sounds good, especially the salty snacks and fat olives, would love to try – will look out for some.

  28. I am a teacher and have talked about nothing but bubbles for the past 6 months; I need to down some bubbles of my own! I was also at home (when not in school with bubbles!) with an 18 month old during lockdown. I need a wine case so very much!!

  29. Alison Gillingham

    Love your blog, have never tried Rueda White’s though and would love to. Keep up the reviews 🙂

  30. memories of the Spanish holiday we never had (extreme sad face!)

  31. Love your wine recommendations, always affordable and delicious. No way of getting into a rut with the same wines. Love watching you on Saturday Kitchen too.

  32. Catriona Williams

    My parents loved Rueda, they embraced it while learning Spanish to welcome my brother in law into the family from Spain. It still makes me think of them when I drink it.

  33. Thank you so much for your great suggestions, I really love trying different wines (SB is great, but so is something new!) And your descriptions make them extra appealing 🍷

  34. Always love your wine suggestions and morning drinking on TV 🙂 today’s suggestions sound fantastic.x

  35. Always interested in trying something new (within certain limits…) and expanding our knowledge of Spanish wines, enjoying their delicate fruits and lively personalities you so beautifully describe.
    Who am I kidding? My dream is to taste lots of different wines every day and then drink a big glass in front of the telly of the one I liked best. Your case would help fulfil that wish.

  36. Have never tried wines from this region but there does seem to be a bit of a buzz building at the moment so def. some for the next wine buying spree!

  37. Not only love your blog wine reviews but now also box set reviews too! SIgn me up for the Comp as iI’ll need something to quaff whilst watching the Sunset!

  38. We were suppose to be in Spain this week, so this is def going on my shopping list to have with the croquettes, potato bravas and chilli garlic prawns that I am making over the weekend to pretend / teleport myself there

  39. Would love to win some delicious wine! Always enjoy your recommendations, thank you.

  40. Sounds good, but , like most, if not all of the wines you mentioned , where can it be purchased in Ireland

  41. Definitely going to try your recommendations, love to travel through wine while travel in practice is more tricky!

  42. Would love to try these wines so much-we live in rural mid wales & access to delicious & more unusual wines is pretty thin on the ground especially with trying to stay local in respect of Covid 19 guidelines. Winning this would be a HUGE treat!!!

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