Time’s hardly flying by at the moment (seriously, a single home-school day feels like a week right now) but one thing that’s come around really quickly is *drum roll* publication day for my debut novel, This Changes Everything. Out on the 9th February, it’s available to pre-order here in paperback, e-book and audiobook (btw, if you do there’s a chance to win a 24hour getaway to Lime Wood in the New Forest, all details can be found here). In the meantime, I thought I’d share a few things about the book with you…

It all started when I had an idea for a story that just wouldn’t go away. I’d already written The Knackered Mother’s Wine Club book, a wine guide based on this blog, but that was facts, not fiction. The idea of a writing a novel was completely different, terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time. I started writing it as and when I could and eventually, four years later, had my first draft.

By then I’d written another couple of drinks books (including Homemade Cocktails; possibly the most fun I’ve had researching a book). My (very special) agent Heather knew about the draft and asked to see what I’d written. The last meeting I had before that first Lockdown was with a fantastic publisher called Boldwood and they offered me a two-book deal. I said yes, then cried.

And now This Changes Everything is almost ready to go. It’s a love story of sorts set mostly in Rome and Cornwall, both places I adore. I’ll tell you more about the story, the characters and the inspiration behind it all next time. Until then, more wine. Both Italian, to get you in the mood.

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One Comment

  1. Love you Hels 💜 x

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