Sunny Delight

There are daffodils in the garden and we even had a brief spell of sunshine for about three minutes a few weeks ago so, obviously, it’s time to talk rosé. Even if you do have to wear a poncho in the garden when you drink it. Now, Bandol is a sub-region in Provence and the wines can be on the expensive side but the Co-op has got a gorgeous not-exactly-cheap-but-not-outrageous one in their range at the moment, as featured on Saturday Kitchen a few weeks ago, so I’ve included it in this week’s reviews. Also, I’ll be doing another Instagram Live wine tasting with the lovely Kat Farmer over on her Instagram (@doesmybumlook40) on Thursday at 6pm this week. South Africa’s wine industry has been hit hard by the pandemic with sales of alcohol banned for much of lockdown so all the wines featured will be from South Africa, including the red in this week’s reviews. Join us if you can, I’d love to see you there.

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  1. Sam Chambers

    So pleased to see Rose weather this week! I have been out in the garden finishing The Knackered Mother’s wine guide. Thankyou for the recommendations!

    • Helen McGinn

      Ah me too! Even if we do have to wear a few layers! Lovely to hear you’re reading the KMWG, hope you’re enjoying it! x

  2. Love your wine choices, we avidly follow your advice and haven’t been let down yet, so thank you and keep them coming! Loved the Valle de Leyda Chardonnay

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