Did I mention the book?

This weekend, I sat down and started work on the book. We’ve got a plan: I’ve now just got to write it. From now on, Unbearded Husband will be taking the children off for usual Saturday morning stuff (Eldest Boy’s football, walk the dog with the other two) giving me a few hours’ peace to write. Strictly no Twitter/Pinterest activity, unless it is for ‘research purposes’, obviously. He’s already planned his dedication in the book (couldn’t have done it without…). As has my sister (simply: For My Sister). This one is going to run and run, but I promise not to go on about it. Much.

Current white in the fridge: Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Champagne NV, £28.49, Tesco.com
My mother/Granny La La bought this up to ours when she and Ebay Colin came for lunch yesterday. She thought it had been on offer when she bought it, thinks it was half price. Which would have made this a ridiculous bargain. It is bright, light and cheek-suckingly refreshing, with a whiff of biscuit (digestives, to be precise), made from a blend of the three classic Champagne grapes, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier. It was delicious, sipped in the early Spring sun, in the garden, with my mum. No odd looking canapes this time, just sweet chilli crisps, mostly eaten by the children. 

Current red in the rack: Celliers des Dauphins Coteaux du Tricastin 2009, £4.99 on offer, Waitrose.com
This is a really jolly red from the Tricastin region at the northern end of the Southern Rhone. It is made from a Grenache-dominated blend, Grenache being a grape that thrives in heat hence it doing well in this French region as well as Spain (where it is known as Garnacha). Lovely plum fruit and a grinding of spice made this a very happy partner for our Mediterranean lamb, a tomato-based slow roast laced with paprika. It all went (meat and wine). 

Chin chin x

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  1. Not that it's happening any time soon, but it is going to be such a joy when I get back to the UK to be able to read your posts and then, to just go out and buy the wine… (It's the small things!)

  2. Good luck with the book! I remember being very surprised when my husband dedicated his thesis to me. Somehow the idea of being named for posterity on a scientific paper about cells was a little strange – but flattering all the same.

  3. ha ha oh the shame you were not meant to share that classified request
    simply : your younger sister xxx

    p.s i am bloody proud of you

  4. Screaammmm. So exciting! I'll send the first draft of my dedication over tomorrow. OK?

  5. Dr Uncle Bunny

    Are you doing a chapter on tasting techniques for different types of reader? Like Cosmo Girl (spit never swallow); The Lady (large G&T, mostly Gaga) etc ?

  6. I love that biscuity thing you get in (most) good champagne.

  7. I got the Dauphins Cotes de Rhone from Waitrose purely because it had a really pretty label. Glad your blog is endorsing my random wine choices which are based on the following criteria:
    1. Cost
    2. Pretty Label/Funny Name
    3. Have I heard of the grape variety

    Obs now I can say "well yah I chose this spicy little number on the recommendation of a proper wine expert ;o)"

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