Catch Up

It’s been a while. How are you? Yes, me too. Always tired. Could be my age, kids, work, hormones – take your pick. Anyway, it’s been a busy few weeks so I thought I’d share some highlights. First one, I’ve finished writing fiction book number three! Well, the first draft so there’s more work to …

Cooking Lessons

As ever, I’m slightly late to the party but why didn’t anyone tell me about Samin Nosrat? My stepmother kindly bought me her book – Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat – for my birthday last year and it sat on the bookshelf for a while because, if I’m honest, I didn’t really get it. No pictures, …

Rosé All Day

Actually it was all morning, tasting a line up of rosé wines made by celebrities on This Morning. I had to really concentrate, not least because all I really wanted to ask was where presenter Rochelle Humes got her dress from (Ganni, I looked it up afterwards). But also because we had to speed-taste our …

Quiet Time

Last week I hosted a wine tasting with a group of wine-loving women organised by clothing brand Hush. Now, if there were such a thing as a spirit clothing brand, Hush would be mine. I remember when they sold nothing but thick socks and the softest loungewear long before any of us realised we’d be …

Coming Up: Roses

So, sun’s out. And that means one thing. Well, two things. The first involves half a tube of St. Tropez Medium Dark Body Lotion. The second is rosé. Perfectly chilled, condensation on glass rosé. I mean, I know by the end of the summer I’ll be over it. But it’ll be temporary. Because when the …

Good Grief

Grief is a funny thing. As in peculiar rather than ha ha, obviously. Seventeen years ago my brother died. I remember, a few years after, googling the five stages of grief. I just wanted to know when it would stop hurting so much. But the thing is grief doesn’t ever really go away. It does, …

Secret Diary

I have a terrible poker face. That whole ‘can’t tell what they’re thinking’ thing? Whatever it is, it’s usually written all over mine. In marker pen. So when I was told something exciting last week, and then told to keep it quiet until next week, my heart sank. I’m literally bursting to tell you but …

Rosé cheeks

I’m currently 60% rosé, 40% hot dogs and the school holidays haven’t even started yet. I blame the weather. And the football. Anyway, Eldest Boy breaks up on Friday, the other two at the end of next week. Then we’ve got six long weeks ahead and as usual I can’t wait/am dreading it in pretty …

No Frills

Last week I was going on about not caring what I looked like in a swimming costume. But then I went and ordered a new one after two glasses of rosé last Sunday night. When it arrived, I opened the box and put it on the table. I literally couldn’t take my eyes off it. …

Beach Club

Last night our book club met at the beach. It was a glorious evening – calm sea, colourful sunset, cold rosé. We swam before tucking into a picnic and a discussion about the book, once we’d remembered what the book was called in the first place (Stay With Me. Ironic, really). Anyway, running into the …

Fun Fair

Yesterday I spent the day at the London Wine Fair and was, basically, like a kid in a sweet shop. And a really greedy (thirsty?) one at that. It was at Olympia and the room was packed with winemakers and their wines. For years I went to the fair as a supermarket wine buyer and …

Check Mate

On Monday, the Husband and I celebrated 30 years since we first started going out. We were fifteen, the year was 1988. So in an effort to recreate that late ’80s feeling I booked two tickets to see Chess The Musical at the London Colosseum. Stay with me. We met at Kettner’s beforehand in their …


I’ve been reading a brilliant book called The Sober Diaries by Clare Pooley. Like me, she’s a mother of three in her forties. Unlike me, she doesn’t drink alcohol. What made her stop was a slow decline from having a glass or two in the evening once the kids were in bed to drinking at …

Snow Escape

I kicked off my rose season properly yesterday with a glass at midday accompanied by this view. I’m in Austria and plan to spend much of the rest of the week drinking more wine and eating melted cheese. But the mood is definitely Spring-like, despite being surrounded by snow. So I’ve added a suitably Spring-friendly wine review below (you can even …

Party On

As ever, late to the party – our half term is this week. On the up side, mornings aren’t quite so early/shouty. On the down side, trampoline parks. We went to one yesterday afternoon and the kids flipped for an hour whilst I hid in a corner with my laptop, trying to hit a deadline. Honestly, you …

New York, New York

So I won’t go on about it but I went to New York. For the weekend. With no kids. I know. I walked in Central Park desperately hoping to bump into Tom Hanks (I didn’t), window-shopped in Soho, stayed out late in Brooklyn and drank Old Fashioned like it was going out of…you know what I mean. We …

Bottoms Up

I’ve got exciting news. But I can’t share it until next week so, given that I’m terrible at keeping secrets, I’m going to have to change the subject until then. Earlier this week I helped with a fundraising event called Barre to the Bar. It involved an introduction to barre pilates for 50 people led by my friend, the …

Silver Linings

So, Half Term. I’ve loved not having to wake up to an alarm when it’s still dark outside. Eating breakfast in our pyjamas (which may or may not have been chocolate brownies one particular morning – please don’t look at me like that) has been a joy. We’ve caught up with old mates, walked the dogs, played football (actually I …

Read All About It

So, this time last week I’d just filed a story for the paper. It was a bit of a deviation for me because it wasn’t about wine. Rather, it was about how I met my husband. And though I realised a fair few people would read it, nothing prepared me for the response to the piece. …


So, the ‘news’ that Victoria Beckham was spotted leaving a London Fashion Week party with a suspicious wet patch on her trousers was dismissed with a simple ‘4 kids 50 cocktails no brainer’ text from my sister. (We do discuss other more serious issues on occasion. Mostly stuff like this, though). And we sympathised because …

Rosé Cheeks

Last weekend, the sun came out. And so did the rosé. There is something about pink wine that hints at summer better than any other wine – and it definitely shines in the sun. This is me, on Easter Monday, at a restaurant on the Isle of Wight called The Hut. If you are ever …

Tired and Tasted

I’ve tried a lot of wine today, even by my standards. Over 250 in fact, at various supermarket wine tastings. And even though I can face nothing but a cup of hot chocolate now, I’m looking forward to sharing details on the best of them including an amazing French pair that’ll make brilliant party wines …

Holiday Report

Our holiday shoes.  This time last week, we were on holiday. Highlights include: 1. Going barefoot, wearing nothing but a swimming costume and kaftan until the sun dipped. 2. Having to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to the lady in the village shop in an effort to check it was indeed caster sugar, rather than salt, that …

Bag Lady

Tents and festivals are not my usual habitat but this weekend I’m doing both, at Camp Bestival. My sister and I are yet to do Paper, Scissors, Rock to decide who has to share a tent with my mother (she’s a terrible snorer) but apart from that, it’s excitement all round. People have been asking …

Summer Looms

“Blimey, are they still at school?” remarked my husband as Eldest Boy scooted past in his school uniform. That was yesterday and yes, they were still at school. Today, happily, they are not. Instead, the weeks stretch ahead and – especially with this glorious weather – there’s much to look forward to. We’re off to …

Start The Week

If ever there was a good way to start the week, it’s with a wine tasting. On Monday night, I was asked to do one for a lovely group of people at Soho House’s West London outpost, High Road House. I picked a line up of current favourite wines from local shops and supermarkets, all …

Big Bertha

Last week, some friends/awesome bloggers were in Tanzania reporting back on projects as part of this year’s Sport Relief. The one that really resonated was Bertha. She makes wine. In the words of T: Bertha explained to us that she makes about 600 bottles of wine a year. Bertha buys the bottles from local suppliers, …

Hearts and Rosés

About 20 years ago, I went out for dinner on Valentine’s Day. It was awful. We were so close to the table next to us that I couldn’t help but listen to their conversation (I think it might have been a row). In fact, we left before the main course and stopped off in Harts …

From Blog To Book

Photo: Annie @ Mammasaurus A few weeks ago, I spoke at the Henley Literary Festival, along with fellow blogger Maggy from Red Ted Art about our experiences of blogs becoming books. Someone asked what made us start a blog on the first place. I burbled away but thinking about it afterwards, I’m hoping the following …

My 5:2

So, tonight’s supper wasn’t my finest. The Husband’s away and I’ve got work to do before we go on holiday, so a packet of crisps and a glass of Soave it was. At five to eight. OK, not that funny but seriously, I’m not what you’d call a ‘natural’ dieter mostly due to my ‘natural’ …

Summer. Loving.

Seven days into the school holidays and already it feels twice that. But, loving that we can have breakfast in pyjamas and I don’t have to shout say ‘Coat! Book bag!’ seventy billion times in the space of five minutes every morning before embarking on the school run. Now we’ve got a tent up in the garden, …

Here is the News.

I am 40 years old, married with three children and I’m really tired. I probably should have washed my hair yesterday, I’ve just noticed there’s dried Weetabix on my t-shirt, the washing is threatening to burst out of the basket, we’ve run out of milk and I think we’ve got people coming at the weekend. …

Half (Term) Measures

So, in the words of Barry Manilow, looks like we made it. Our family half-term trip to Scotland, returning via Alnwick Castle and Ironbridge, that is. There was laughter, there were tears and there were loo stops. So. Many. Loo stops. But for all that, it was lovely. Admittedly, the children have not really had …

It’s a wrap.

S’been a busy few weeks with book signings, wine tastings, radio interviews and writing. Amazing really, I feel very lucky. But I am looking forward to Friday, when my only plan is to wear a pair of pants on my head all day, for Red Nose Day. And in the evening, I will drink a …

Talk Show

So, I did have a lovely evening last night, with these two on the right and about 200 others. We were speaking at the latest Red Network event about being your own boss. Clare, on the left, founded Howies and now runs Hiut, an incredible denim company based in Wales. Kathryn, on the right in …

New Year, New Me

OK, so perhaps a tad overstated but I do intend to do more (or less) of the following in 2013: 1. Drink more wine from left-field places. I’m talking Romania, Croatia, Brazil, Mexico…I’ll report back on the good ones, obvs 2. Not drink any wine at least two days a week (I know, so worthy) …

Jam Session

I made jam last night for Youngest Girl’s nursery cake & chutney sale on Saturday. Actually, I didn’t make jam. A group of us got together and I chopped a few peppers and chillies, whilst mostly chatting over a glass of wine and a bowl of crisps. Here’s what Jules did with the results: Wine-free …

Forty Not Out

Sorry, I know I have been talking about turning forty for weeks now, but my actual birthday is today and after that I promise to shut up about it. The Husband is away for work *sad face*, but my mother is coming over this evening with a Chinese take-away and I’ve got a bottle of …

Wine, natch.

Make-up wise I favour the natural look, but nowadays this requires a certain degree of pre-planning. Sadly, I can’t seem to carry off the salt ‘n’ pepper look as well as Clooney so have a bit of help with my hair colour. And when out in public with real grown ups in attendance I turn to …

The small stuff.

Sun on skin. A sea breeze. Clinky drinks with ice and a slice. A chapter read in the bath (uninterrupted). Fish & chips. Champagne. Fish & chips served with Champagne. Dancing in the kitchen. An empty laundry basket. Clean plates. My one and only matching set of underwear. Having chicken stock in the fridge. Singing …

Hot Potato

I love a good acronym as much as the next person, particularly when they can be used as mnemonic devices (my music teacher taught me Every Good Boy Deserves Fun. Aware that sounds bad). Anyway, my new favourite? Person Over Thirty Acting Twenty One. Yes, the P.O.T.A.T.O. Actually I’m nearly forty but P.N.F.A.T.O. doesn’t work …

What she said.

I had planned a short post about my new year’s resolutions, but given that mine are hideously unoriginal (eat less/move more/shout only when absolutely necessary) I point you to Potty’s declarations of intent. I love them, especially the one about chocolate and wine, where she suggests a little of the good stuff is usually better …

Village People

Last Friday night, I was asked to do a wine tasting in the village hall for 60 people to raise funds for the village twinning association. We’re twinned with Hautvillers, a beautiful village in the Champagne region. In fact, Dom Perignon, the monk who ‘discovered’ Champagne is buried here (even though technically the whole bubbles-in-wine …


Shortly after 12am this morning, at the International Wine Challenge Awards Dinner in London (click here for results), I was on the dance floor in high heels and Westwood. And I was actually Shakira. In bed by 2am, awake by 6am, back home from town by 8am ready for the school run. For just a little …

Gone Fishing

Actually, gone fishing, crabbing, shell-seeking, rock-pooling, sand-in-sandwiches picnicking and all that. We’ll send you a virtual postcard, but can’t promise to post it before we get home. In the meantime, here’s what I’ve just packed in the food box: Current white in the fridge:  Maurel Vedeau Sauvignon Blanc/Grenache, £4.74, Uncomplicated Southern French blend of …

No Time At The Bar

The weekend before last, our school held a music festival to raise money for a new classroom they are building. Local bands played, most of which had at least one parent as a band member. My contribution was sourcing wine and volunteering to do a shift on the bar. How hard could it be? Turns …


This week, I have mostly failed. Namely: 1) failed to finish my book before Book Club night 2) failed to make any inroads on mountain of washing 3) failed to meet one or two (OK, three) work deadlines 4) failed to post a thank you letter that’s been in my bag for a week 5) …

Our House

We arrived back from the eldest boy’s swimming lesson tonight to see the house looking like this: No doubt tomorrow, bearded husband will put on the Christmas play list and that will be that. Until January. This week’s white in the fridge: Jean Claude Fromont Chablis Premier Cru 2008, £8, currently half price, Tesco Wine Club …

The Naked Truth

Half-watching How To Look Good Naked whilst slowly sewing name tapes to school uniform sweatshirts/trousers/polo shirts before eldest boy goes back next week, I started thinking about my own failsafe rules. So here it is, the KMWC guide to how to look good naked: 1. Dim lighting Er, that’s it. Perhaps not enough mileage for a TV show, granted. Current white …

Invisible (wo)Man

Someone once said – probably Germaine – that beyond a certain age, women become invisible. I’d always assumed that referred to women my mother’s age* but a funny thing happened last week that made me think it might happen sooner than anticipated. As I walked out of Topshop on Oxford Street (see how I’m fighting it?) a young hipster stood with a microphone doing …

Invisible (wo)Man

Someone once said – probably Germaine – that beyond a certain age, women become invisible. I’d always assumed that referred to women my mother’s age* but a funny thing happened last week that made me think it might happen sooner than anticipated. As I walked out of Topshop on Oxford Street (see how I’m fighting it?) a young hipster stood with a microphone doing …


Last week, we got a new car. Second hand actually, but by far the most grown up car we’ve ever had. It’s the children and dog car, Bearded Husband said. We’ll have it forever, he said. You will be careful, won’t you? he said. He’s called me three times today to ask something about something – as they do – but mostly …

On the fringe…

I love putting pretty hairclips in my daughter’s hair, sweeping her long fringe to one side and sweeping the enforced-genderism-at-such-a-tender-age argument to the other. It’s a hairclip, FFS. Anyway, point is with two boys I’d only really considered childrens’ haircuts in terms of nit prevention. Not so with the baby girl: she has lovely hair, long enough to need aforementioned hairclips to keep it out of her eyes. At …

Ten Things I Know About Wine

Following two weeks of tasting hundreds of wines all day, every day here, my take on the current wine-scape is this: 1. New Zealand Pinot Noir is usually divine. 2. Cheap South African red usually isn’t. 3. Champagne with a bit of age is much more interesting than young stuff. 4. Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon from the Colchagua region tastes a bit like chocolate. 5. The Nebbiolo grape (of …

Joint Effort

Much excitement all round: we’re off to Venice for a few days to celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary. The children seem to sense the highly indulgent grand-parenting that lies ahead. I thought I’d buy something new for the occasion and today I did just that. Underwear that actually matches? A Spring-tastic print scarf? Clogs to make it clear I still read Vogue and …

Skinny legs and all…

One of the tips for new year, new you is to clear out your wardrobe, throwing away anything unworn over the past year. Whoever wrote that clearly doesn’t realise that there are clothes that I haven’t worn for five years BUT I AM DEFINITELY GOING TO WEAR THEM AGAIN. I just need to lose a couple of, er, pounds. …

Edited Out

So, we went to a gig the other night to see the very excellent Editors. Loved the music but the dancing and whooping felt ever-so-slightly self-conscious. Is it me? Anyway, my music-native friend who organised the tickets explained that the term gig is out. It is now called a ‘show’ apparently. Fine if you haven’t had children, but for anyone …