Roller Coaster

n. roller coaster

a situation in which there are many big and sudden changes

You know how I was going on about pootling last week? Well, scrap that. Pootling is off. Temporarily, anyway, due to a couple of unforeseens. Youngest Girl hasn’t got a place at the same school as her two older brothers. That was a dip, but the corkscrew was my dear mother being taken to hospital yesterday – now thankfully home and recovering but still, a world-stops-spinning moment. And neatly demonstrating just how very important pootling is, especially with the ones you love.

In other news, I asked Twitter which fake tan to invest in, if going DIY. And just like I tell you in my (best-selling!) book to hold a glass of wine against something white to see the true colour, so I give you my face against a white background 20 minutes after applying the tan. I’ll post another one showing the results next week. Unless it is disastrous, in which case I’ll post a picture of kittens, or something.

Current white in the fridge: Billecart-Salmon Extra Brut NV, £48, Berry Brothers
This one was sent to me by a very kind person at Billecart-Salmon, and what makes it interesting is the Extra Brut bit. This Champagne has absolutely no added sugar, so making it apparently lower in calories than a normal glass of Champagne. We’re talking approx. 60 calories rather than 90 calories in a small glass. More importantly, what does it taste like? Delicious, actually. I thought it might taste a bit skinny, lacking the weight and power of a normal Brut (which has a little added sugar). But it is surprisingly weighty and powerful, smelling of brioche and tasting of lemons. What with my fake tan and a glass of this, I’ll be doing the school run in my bikini at this rate.*

Current red in the rack: Louis Jadot Beaujolais-Villages 2010, £7.79 on offer, Waitrose
This was a bit of a panic buy, to be honest. I was flying around the shelves, had to pick a wine from the shelf at the end of the aisle (I can never venture deep into the wine department when in a hurry, it is like a vortex) and went for the one that I knew. But, as usual with Beaujolais Villages, thought – as I sipped in the garden later – I must buy more from Beaujolais! I must! The grape is Gamay, and it is such a great summer red, with light redcurrant fruits and a bit, but not too much, spice. 

*I was joking.

Chin chin x

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  1. Gosh what a wretched week – how your lovely Mum is recovering and is there any chance the schools thing might sort itself out???

  2. Hope your mum is better.
    I knew you were joking about the bikini…you seem far too sensible to risk getting pneumonia!

  3. Exactly that! Far too sensible 🙂

  4. What a week! Glad to hear your mum is a bit better. And school? What a pain!

  5. Argh, that comment above was me, in one of my many disguises…

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