hm-fancy-dressSo, I’ve had a nightmare this half term. The washing machine broke. Honestly, it was terrifying. Piles of washing everywhere. On top of that, there’s Saturday’s Trickle Treat (as Youngest Girl calls it) outing to think about. Our kids usually bring home enough sweets to open a shop, thanks to us being one of only a few families with young children in the neighbourhood. Eldest Boy isn’t dressing up this year (‘Mum, I’m eleven’, was his response). But Middle Boy and Youngest Girl are going all out. I showed them this picture of me in full Halloween get up, the only time I’ve ever won a prize in a fancy dress competition. It was actually the middle of summer, but no matter. Behind me is my lovely friend Claudia, dressed, fantastically, as Mickey Mouse (and she says we swept the board). The other thing we’ll be doing on Saturday is making spooky food for a post-t&t tea. The Crumbs website alerted me to the icing pen – why did I not know about these? Perfect for making fairy cakes look like mummies. Egyptian ones, obviously.

Chin chin x

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