Half-watching How To Look Good Naked whilst slowly sewing name tapes to school uniform sweatshirts/trousers/polo shirts before eldest boy goes back next week, I started thinking about my own failsafe rules. So here it is, the KMWC guide to how to look good naked:

1. Dim lighting

Er, that’s it. Perhaps not enough mileage for a TV show, granted.

Current white in the fridge:
Villa Maria Private Bin Pinot Grigio, 2009, £5.70/bottle, normally £8.99, Tesco
Could. Not. Resist. Villa Maria have long produced textbook New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc wines (and many others besides) but Pinot Grigio? With flavour? Made with grapes grown in the Awatere and Wairau Valley in the Marlborough region, this is actually a really refreshing change to Sauvignon Blanc. Truth is, I’m a little NZ SB-fatigued, too many too similar too often. Now, Pinot Grigio can sometimes be very forgettable but this is delicious, refreshing and full of flavour. Lemons, mostly. Pears too. Made by one of the nicest winemakers I know, and he’s a Master of Wine to boot. Alastair, well done you. 

Current red on the side:
Château Calage 2008 Coteaux du Languedoc, 2008, 25% Off, £7.99 – £5.99, Waitrose
Waitrose are holding a French Wine Showcase from now until the end of September, with exclusive limited volume wines available including this one. Made from 40% Syrah, 40% Grenache and 20% Mourvedre, this is a biodynamic wine made from gnarly 30 year old vines, with each grape vinified separately before being blended and aged in French oak barrels for 8 months. A further 10 months in bottle ensures the wine softens, integrates and just, well, gets it together. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans, but especially suitable for knackered mothers.

Cheers, girlfriend (head wiggles) xx

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  1. Funny! That made me laugh. I enjoy your blog … that's all I'm saying.

  2. Thank you MC, right back atcha. Love your new clogs, BTW. My new winter CLOG BOOTS arrive tomorrow. I shall sleep in them x

  3. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise … there's nothing more soporific than sleeping in wooden footwear.

  4. Not sure dim lights is enough sometimes!

    Help! what wine or spirit to give to give 2 friends who are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary??

  5. MH – just seen your email, will reply with recommendations now x

  6. Dim lighting and a husband that wears specs… that's what i say. Anyway, you've won the lippy and the mascara – email me on mrstrefusis@gmail.com with your address and I shall package it up and send it off 🙂

    Appropriately enough for your blog, the WV was hock….

  7. Mrs T, how exciting, thank you! I'm made up (geddit?)…will email now.

  8. Don't sew on labels — get the kind you can iron on, much easier

  9. I know, but I like the act of sewing them on, assuages some of my guilt at being a working mother perhaps x

  10. Second Mrs Trefusis on the spec wearing husband, though it can be a bit off putting when he decides to don them mid….
    I am reading your blog avidly, as the cuckoo daddy is a wine snob and I cant wait to show off a bit next time he starts um-ing and ah-ing over the wine selection!

  11. Reluctant Step-Mother – I am so pleased to be arming you with wine knowledge to wield in the face of wine snobbery. Don't reveal your sources, pass off the knowledge as your own and enjoy being in charge of the wine list. I am loving your blog, as you know, esp. as I have one of my own. Fascinating and thought-provoking x

  12. Sewing?? Ironing??? At the risk of plugging, Simply Stuck do a grand line in near-unremovable stickers. Seriously un-time-consuming! x

  13. Thanks ehmummy, I will try them next year. Bugger the guilt x

  14. gnarly. such a shame that has been annexed by californians. and knackered mothers.

    must make an effort to try the languedoc, same blend as (pre-buyout) rosemount's GSM. yum.

    great blog – keep it up!

  15. Thank you Adam, glad you're enjoying my ramblings…

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