So, Half Term. I’ve loved not having to wake up to an alarm when it’s still dark outside. Eating breakfast in our pyjamas (which may or may not have been chocolate brownies one particular morning – please don’t look at me like that) has been a joy. We’ve caught up with old mates, walked the dogs, played football (actually I was mostly on Instagram whilst the Boys played football). It’s been great – but all too brief. I feel like we’ve only just caught our breath before we’re plunged back into The Run Up To Easter. In school terms, it’s almost as busy as The Run Up To Christmas. Except with more chocolate. Every cloud, as they say.

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  1. I have it even more luxurious – a week off with the dad and boy off skiing. Actually, it’s pretty quiet around here and I have to get up to let the dog out, but it’s SO nice not to be having to think about evening meals etc. I can just have a glass of wine and a cracker or two.

  2. I just read this while drinking coffee in bed at 8.37. Decadent! God knows what the children are doing but so far not a creature is stirring. Love half term. See you v soon. X

  3. At a lunch with Gerard Bertrand recently. He’s a stickler for attention to detail- really impressed by his wines ( which had nothing to do with his tall, rangy, tousle haired, French rugby player looks!) Honest.

  4. Home next month…I think i may bathe in those M&S bubbles, hic!

  5. Oooh I missed the make over – loving the new look

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