Christmas Drinks

I’m definitely feeling festive and that’s not just the trifle-flavoured cream liqueur talking. The tree is up, mince pies have been made (and eaten in front of The Holiday) and I’ve even managed to buy a few presents, albeit online and maybe a little wine-fluenced. Anyway, some of you have been asking for fizz recommendations …

Party Time

You know that thing I mentioned last week but couldn’t tell you about? I’ve been asked to be one of the judges for the 2019 Fortnum & Mason Food & Drink Awards. I won the Online Drinks Writer Award in their inaugural year back in 2013 and, ohmigod, the party was one of the most celebrity-strewn …

Hot Stuff

Last week was mostly fuelled by codeine following knee surgery so I didn’t get to post. Instead I shared something on the KMWC Facebook page I’d prepared earlier: me flying on a trapeze. Filmed months before I did my knee in, obviously. Anyway more on that here next week but for now, given that it’s been …


Thanks to so many of you buying the first ever KMWC wine case back in June – seriously, thank you! – we’ve been able to put together another one. Rather more hygge than high summer, this one’s got five fireside-friendly reds and four crisp-as-fresh-snow whites. There’s a couple of rose wines in there too because, as …

On The Case

When I asked you what else you’d like from The Knackered Mother’s Wine Club recently, lots of you suggested wine by the case. It made complete sense: order online, get it delivered, stock up and save time. Then I had an idea. And happily, one of my current favourite online wine by the case retailers thought …

Skin Deep

Ah, new year’s resolutions. Mine remain pretty much as they did last year. And the year before that. And the year before that. Basically, be healthy-ish and only shout when absolutely necessary. Usually, I’m an everything-in-moderation-including-moderation kinda girl. Except this year, for the first time ever, I’m going dry for January. No booze will pass my lips until …

Dive In

I’m sure there’ll be a year when all the presents are wrapped and the food prepped ahead of time. Just not this one. But before we part company for a bit, here are some of the wines featured in a list I put together for The Pool, a brilliant website stuffed with great articles and the …

Burger King

You already know about my granola habit. Tonight – I blame Bake Off – I decided to move on to bread. Now, I love my carbs (how can you not love carbs?) and so when I saw the recipe for protein bread in Jamie Oliver’s new cookbook Super Food (a recent birthday present), I thought …

Bag Lady

I love a good handbag. And given that most of the armful I own are old vintage, I especially love the ones built to last. No mean feat when it’s not uncommon to have a bottle of wine stashed inside (for work purposes, obviously) along with the usual wallet/keys/sunglasses combo and any number of squashed …

Christmas Wines!

On a shoot last week,  hat at jaunty angle.  This last week has been a blur of school music concerts, nativity plays (the cowboy theme totally worked, by the way), panic baking and just-about-making work deadlines. The children are so ready for the end of term and so excited about Christmas. Me too, not least …

Bottom of the Glass

Best party trick ever.  So, today a space probe landed on a comet for the first time. And Kim Kardashian balanced a champagne glass on her bum. Guess which one broke the internet? But here’s the tragic part. All I could think when I saw the photo of KK was goodness, what spillage! Still, she looks …

Roll Up, Roll Up

I planned to do a KMWC wine surgery film tonight but, after Vegas, my eyes are like piss holes in the snow (to coin one of my mother’s favourite sayings). So we’ll leave that for next week. Instead, I have a rather excellent giveaway. As you know (unless you’re new here, in which case, welcome …

Feeling Blue

Not even a broken down car on the school run (luckily just after I’d dropped them at school) and an hour’s wait in the rain could dampen my spirits this morning. Because yesterday, I did a wine tasting with Sooty & Sweep. It was hilarious, a real Tena Lady moment as my sister would say. …

Here is the News.

I am 40 years old, married with three children and I’m really tired. I probably should have washed my hair yesterday, I’ve just noticed there’s dried Weetabix on my t-shirt, the washing is threatening to burst out of the basket, we’ve run out of milk and I think we’ve got people coming at the weekend. …

It’s a wrap.

S’been a busy few weeks with book signings, wine tastings, radio interviews and writing. Amazing really, I feel very lucky. But I am looking forward to Friday, when my only plan is to wear a pair of pants on my head all day, for Red Nose Day. And in the evening, I will drink a …

Wedding Bells

No, not me, silly. Not that I would mind getting married again*, having gone to the most beautiful of second weddings last Friday. If ever there was a time to have a day of pure life-affirming joy with old friends, celebrating love, then early January is it. Most of us were in tears before the …

Lovely Bubbly

I know that advice is only appreciated if you ask for it in the first place. Take being pregnant, for example. A largely – literally – good experience bar the unsolicited advice thrown at you from the moment your up-the-duffness becomes public knowledge. But advice is usually given with your best interests at heart and …

And so this is Christmas…

I’m not sure quite when it was that I turned into my mother, but I have spent the last hour making mince pies. I’ve been accompanied by a Christmas playlist – made by still-bearded husband – and a rather gorgeous glass of Chianti Classico. Nonetheless, no-one warned me middle-aged Christmas domesticity would come and slap me in the face in …