Full English

No, I’m not talking about breakfast (although wine at breakfast was an entirely acceptable notion during lockdown). It’s English Wine Week and I got to taste my way through a selection of brilliant wines (with Jack Whitehall!) on last weekend’s Saturday Kitchen. Details are on the programme’s website here and I’ve added a couple of …

Canned Laughter

If there was ever a time to find the joy in small things, it’s now. And I got to talk about a whole range of small things on This Morning earlier this week, namely drinks in cans including spritzers, properly smart wines and a Bloody Mary so good even Holly Willoughby liked it. She also …

Holiday Booking

Well, it’s been fun. Relative lie-ins, impromptu picnics on the beach, slightly too much pizza. Even losing half of our luggage on the flight back from our holiday didn’t dampen my spirits, not least because it halved the amount of post-holiday washing. But it hasn’t all been secs and rugs and sausage rolls (I know, …

Quiet Time

Last week I hosted a wine tasting with a group of wine-loving women organised by clothing brand Hush. Now, if there were such a thing as a spirit clothing brand, Hush would be mine. I remember when they sold nothing but thick socks and the softest loungewear long before any of us realised we’d be …

Festival Drinks

We’re off to a festival this weekend. And it’s my favourite kind of festival because it’s local, meaning I get to soak up the atmosphere and still collapse into my own bed at the end of it. (It’s the Curious Arts Festival and you can find out more about it here). Anyway, this made me …

Fun Fair

Yesterday I spent the day at the London Wine Fair and was, basically, like a kid in a sweet shop. And a really greedy (thirsty?) one at that. It was at Olympia and the room was packed with winemakers and their wines. For years I went to the fair as a supermarket wine buyer and …

To Don’t List

Sometimes my life seems like one long list of stuff to do. So for the next 10 days, I’m going to live by a To Don’t list. Here’s what’s on it. Don’t think 11am is too early for a glass of rosé. Don’t buy that pair of white cotton trousers in the French market for …

Love All

Good TV is like buses. Nothing, then two arrive at once. I’m talking about Wimbledon and Love Island, obviously. I love both, equally. I mean I know Love Island is ridiculous but I just can’t. Stop. Watching. As for Wimbledon, I love that it gives us an excuse to watch telly in the afternoon, even when …

Hot Stuff

Last week was mostly fuelled by codeine following knee surgery so I didn’t get to post. Instead I shared something on the KMWC Facebook page I’d prepared earlier: me flying on a trapeze. Filmed months before I did my knee in, obviously. Anyway more on that here next week but for now, given that it’s been …

Snow Escape

I kicked off my rose season properly yesterday with a glass at midday accompanied by this view. I’m in Austria and plan to spend much of the rest of the week drinking more wine and eating melted cheese. But the mood is definitely Spring-like, despite being surrounded by snow. So I’ve added a suitably Spring-friendly wine review below (you can even …

Valentine Wines

Not that we really need an excuse to open a bottle of something pink and sparkly but at least on Valentine’s Day we don’t even have to make one up. Very quickly, what makes wine pink? Answer: the skins of the grapes. You can’t make rose from white grapes; but add red grapes into the …

Wine Face

I’m sitting here with wine on my face. Better than egg, you might think. But that’s on there too, along with some honey. My feet are submerged in vodka, my nails are soaked in gin and I’m about to pour beer on my head. With good reason: I’m testing out some booze-based beauty tricks for …

Wine, Women & Song

The Scummy Mummies perform their song – for us! I’ve got all three for you this week. First up, listen to this podcast by the Scummy Mummies. Recorded at Camp Bestival last month, we talk about wine, stalking Cheryl and play Celebrity Wines (clue: Cava Delevigne was one of the answers). At the end of …

Rosé Cheeks

Last weekend, the sun came out. And so did the rosé. There is something about pink wine that hints at summer better than any other wine – and it definitely shines in the sun. This is me, on Easter Monday, at a restaurant on the Isle of Wight called The Hut. If you are ever …

Rose Tinted Glasses

We’re back from our half term trip to Scotland. And I must say, the views were amazing. Especially this one. Current rose in the fridge: Guillerault Fargette Sancerre Rose 2012, £21.99, Costco Look closely at the bottle. It’s a magnum, A MAGNUM, of rose. From Sancerre, from a really great producer (I used to buy …