Sipping Point

Ten years ago to the day I decided to write a wine blog. I remember hitting publish on that first post, just a few sentences on how I planned to recommend a couple of wines each week in the hope it might help anyone looking for a little wine inspiration. With three kids under five …

Happy Daze

Endless cups of tea on the sofa, nailing the last series of Catastrophe I’ve been meaning to watch for ages…turns out recovering from knee surgery can be FUN. And as for the drugs…well. They have a lot to answer for. Not least the pair of sequinned leopard print espadrilles ordered at the weekend. I mean …

Baby Steps

I do love a baby. Especially mine obviously, but they’re not babies anymore. And I’m not broody when I see one nowadays, just ridiculously tears-in-eyes happy. So much so I think I slightly freaked out the young mother in John Lewis last week, whose sleeping baby looked so beautiful tucked up in its pram I …

Yours Truly

Last week, I was on Radio 4’s You & Yours programme talking about organic wines. The presenter, Peter White (it was Winifred’s day off), asked me if KMWC readers (that’s you!) were interested in organic wines and I said yes, actually. Lots of you are. Which is great: no chemicals used in the vineyard is …

Jump Start

A few years ago I bought a jumpsuit. We were off to New York for a long weekend and clearly thought a jumpsuit would elevate me from knackered mother to potential extra in Gossip Girl in one outfit. Instead, I remember feeling like a giant toddler. Except with wine. And going to the loo was …

Sparking Joy

Apparently, there’s a new series on Netflix about tidying up with expert de-clutterer Marie Kondo. Now, I haven’t seen it (too busy watching the entire series of Fleabag back to back, way more fun than folding clothes). But I do know Marie’s mantra is ‘does this spark joy?’ In other words if you own something …

Back On It

So, how was it for you? Aside from doing my knee in (again) whilst trying to act out The Nutcracker in a family game of charades on Christmas Eve, mine was great. But the kids went back to school yesterday (fist bump) and much as I’ve loved lying on the sofa sipping Brandy Alexanders whilst …

Secret Diary

I have a terrible poker face. That whole ‘can’t tell what they’re thinking’ thing? Whatever it is, it’s usually written all over mine. In marker pen. So when I was told something exciting last week, and then told to keep it quiet until next week, my heart sank. I’m literally bursting to tell you but …

Sky News

Last week was a bit of a monster. Work (so to speak) included hosting a cocktail tasting at a local Singles Night, speaking at a literary festival lunch for book clubs and doing a wine tasting for a great/thirsty bunch in London. Play (so to speak) included a Halloween Party for 14 kids and a …

Take a break

Half term next week. How did that happen? HOW? Summer finished, like, five minutes ago. I’ve only just got my properly chunky jumpers out (not a euphemism). But despite having to pretend there are no kids in the house when on a work call, it feels like a breather of sorts. No early morning clean …

Star Turn

Just as I was settling in to my new Autumn evening routine (sofa, Killing Eve, glass of red) an email arrived from a friend. Would I like to go with her to the premiere of A Star In Born? Cut to last Thursday and there we were, on the red carpet, with Bradley Cooper just …

September Edit

Just as the change of season requires a change of clothing strategy (so long kaftans, hello jumpers AT LAST) so does the wine rack. I mean, it’s not like I won’t drink rosé in colder months but it just doesn’t taste as good without sun on skin. Anyway, a box of wine appeared on my …

Festival Drinks

We’re off to a festival this weekend. And it’s my favourite kind of festival because it’s local, meaning I get to soak up the atmosphere and still collapse into my own bed at the end of it. (It’s the Curious Arts Festival and you can find out more about it here). Anyway, this made me …

Rosé cheeks

I’m currently 60% rosé, 40% hot dogs and the school holidays haven’t even started yet. I blame the weather. And the football. Anyway, Eldest Boy breaks up on Friday, the other two at the end of next week. Then we’ve got six long weeks ahead and as usual I can’t wait/am dreading it in pretty …

Island Life

I thought I could take it or leave it. You know, dip in and out as and when it suited me. But before I knew it I was in too deep. And now it’s a full on obsession. Yes, I know it’s ridiculous but I just can’t help myself. And now, if you don’t mind …

No Frills

Last week I was going on about not caring what I looked like in a swimming costume. But then I went and ordered a new one after two glasses of rosé last Sunday night. When it arrived, I opened the box and put it on the table. I literally couldn’t take my eyes off it. …

Fun Fair

Yesterday I spent the day at the London Wine Fair and was, basically, like a kid in a sweet shop. And a really greedy (thirsty?) one at that. It was at Olympia and the room was packed with winemakers and their wines. For years I went to the fair as a supermarket wine buyer and …

Spitting Image

I was away working in London all last week and after two rain-sodden weeks of school holidays, it felt like something of a mini-break. Admittedly quite a weird one; I spent much of it spitting out wine. Not because they were horrible but because I was judging at a wine competition. One night I sat at …

Here comes the sun

I’ve spent much of this week trying to keep kids off screens despite the rain/without spending a small fortune doing so. Hitting deadlines has meant getting up early and working late. But no school run, eating pancakes at 11am and watching films on Netflix in the middle of the afternoon has more than made up …

Let It Snow

So, as I write this, everywhere is blanketed in the white stuff. But like a foot sticking out from the edge of the duvet, where we live (in the New Forest) is cold but uncovered. And I’ve got serious snow envy because unless we get some, it means we’ve got to do World Book Day …

Espresso Love

I’ve been all over the place this week. Literally. London for work, Manchester for an author’s talk and Bath for a wine tasting. And I’ve done some radio interviews in between, including one on how drink affects your mood (answer: largely depends how you’re feeling before you have one) and another on whether there’s any …

Love All

Good TV is like buses. Nothing, then two arrive at once. I’m talking about Wimbledon and Love Island, obviously. I love both, equally. I mean I know Love Island is ridiculous but I just can’t. Stop. Watching. As for Wimbledon, I love that it gives us an excuse to watch telly in the afternoon, even when …